You Might be a TBF Festivarian IF ??????

Ahem, 3 months ago? :wink:

ā€¦ you order your tickets on the day they go on sale in November and see if your ticket number is lower than last years! :lol

and obsessively check your online statement to see if thereā€™s been a charge yet. :cheers

You get the idea in mid december to add yourself to the town park lottery on a whim. Couple months later the wife said what the %@$#^$&% is this ^&^@#(*& charge on the credit card that is used for emergencies only? Me being the fiscally responsible one of the family drew a serious blank. Couple days later I said ā€˜wait thats the amount for a couple town park passesā€™ I started jumping around hugging and kissin her. Eventually she got it and itā€™s all good now!! Unfortunately she isnā€™t going w/ me due some conference about the latest and greatest blah blah blahā€¦ Oh well vin and I are in like flin!

:wave If you negotiate 2 weeks off work in June for TBF in your pre-employment terms! (thanks to Aj) and we were WAY closer to the moon that night! :thumbsup :eek :pipe :drunk

hey Connie welcome to the insainty !
and yes i did the same thing last year with my new job!

:cheers :cheers :flower

:giggleMaybe I should also mention that time off in October for Hardly Strictly (thanks again to Aj)was also part of the agreement! Festivaaaaaaallllll!!! :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :dancing

yea yea ā€¦I get 5 weeks off a year ā€¦

orā€¦ you quit or threaten to quit everytime your boss says that your asking for too much time off! (only works in an industry thatā€™s starving for good help) pre-employment negotiations are the way to go though :thumbsup 5 weeks!! holy crap :eek well done.

And everyone knows that Connie has the cutest giggles EVER!!! :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle

:flower :giggle :giggle :giggleI canā€™t wait to see you Miss Hurricane M!!!
We shall laugh and giggle and howl at the moon soon!
Love Ya!!! ;)Connie

Now THATā€™S a great story, Bobby!! :cheers :cheers :cheers

okā€¦so i had this come to me yesterday while i was taking a long shower! :eek
I had this thought that i should be training myself to get 'er done in 5 min. or less. :lol
This thought was followed by the reality that the chances of that happening are very, very slim due to the fact that my master shower has been disabled for about 2 months now :swearing and will be completed in a couple of days. :hop We had the shower rebuilt and had a waterfall head installed with a separate hand-held (for those hard to reach places!) :8 it will be sooooooo luxurious i wont want to get out! :love
I am sure that i will end at least one of my showers in telluride with freezing cold water!!! :frowning: :woohoo

You might be a festivarian ifā€¦ you lay awake nights trying to perfect your shower strategy!!!

Hereā€™s mineā€¦go in your tentā€¦ remove all foul kamping clothing and place in your foul kamping clothing dirty clothes bagā€¦put on ONLY a shower dress/robe and flip-flops/crocs and head down to the showersā€¦ once there you will not have to remove socks, shoes, undress, etcā€¦ so you are right into the showerā€¦ open all toiletries and place in showerā€¦ turn on the cold water, start the stopwatch function on your cheap wristwatch, put in your quarters and GO!!! Shampoo hair first, then condition, then body-washā€¦ rinse well; in the remaining time, work on your feet. If the hot water goes off while your feet are still a bit soapy thats OK, the cold water isnā€™t too bad on your feet onlyā€¦ then you towel off and pop back into your shower dress and flip flops and go back to you tent to dress. Advantagesā€¦1)you donā€™t have to schlep clothing to or fro the showers 2)it takes less time and lets the next people into the showers faster #3) You are unlikely to commit a ā€œskivvy foulā€ on the path. (see dictionary)

Every time you stop by the $ store, You buy ALL of the purple glow bracelets that they have in stock that day!

while walking across the bridge to the mountainfilm wrap party, you look fondly at the ā€˜padā€™ and envision yourself there 20 days from now.

back in 15 days.!!1111!

You come home after the festival, do your laundry, and then place everything back in the tote for next year. Packing completed! :thumbsup

You try to listen to James Buchananā€™s ā€œPacking for Tellurideā€ in your cubicle at work, thinking you can handle it. You start blubbering and your cube mate looks at you strangely but knows better than to ask questions so he just hands you a tissue and makes a hasty departure. :giggle :giggle :giggle

you spend weeks editing 15 or 20 hours of live interviews gathered in town park and realize you donā€™t have enough. Finish the documentary, then go pack the recording gear for another festival.

Tune into the Post Bluegrass Withdrawal show next Monday 6/4!


you are indeed packing when you pull up the forum to read Daniā€™s post ā€¦and you crank up"ā€œPacking for Tellurideā€
and share in the tears of joy


You havenā€™t even finished packing, itā€™s still two weeks before ABGAT, and youā€™re starting to plan for next year. AM I CRAZY? I have the best idea and keeping secrets is not my strong suit.
