You Might be a TBF Festivarian IF ??????

If you are a member of the notarious PottiRatzi, snapping photos of bluegrass celebrities popping out of the little huts!

Can’t wait to hug you, Ron. :love :love :love

When friends try and get you to go out and party on a Friday night but you’d rather sit at home with a brew and your PC, posting on the festivarian forum. :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle

Well…i think (for me anyhow…) This one is a beaut!
You know you’re a TRUE TBF Festivarian when:
During NASCAR you set up your wireless laptop in front of you, logged onto the Festivarian Forum!
Did I mention during NASCAR??? :drive (I’ve got it REAL bad!) :drive Whew! Quite a huge dose of excitement for one girl all at the same time!!!

that’s dedication

If you drive 6 hours each way just to let another Festivarian know that Suwannee Music Park is UNTOUCHED from the fires and then re-check the site after the tropical storm (B) just to make sure all is still well!

Oh, the creek rose… just a bit, but it rose!


Hope Lin

…you have ever spent a raucous night in your tent with “Flat Larry”, but you have never met ROUND Larry…(oh, and dude, sorry about the torn crotch!!!) :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :devil :devil :devil :devil :devil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil

You get your new festivarian summer shoes at the post-Christmas sale at Rei in December.

Every new recipe you try is chosen because the dish, if excellent, would be re-creatable in your Town Park kitchen.

Salmon Beignets this year for tarp line snoozers.

Your children look at you like you have totally lost your mind when you ask them if they want to go to “boyscout” camp with their friends instead of coming with you to Telluride. And then, they answer you in preteen fashion going “DOH”

If your Husband won’t even think about applying for a new job that would interfer with having the month of June off. :lol
We also have the TBF poster room, Several Totes in the garage with just TBF stuff and a special fund set aside for beer money and nightgrass tickets.

If you have a crystal clear picture of downtown Telluride constantly on your mind. I do!

you fight for 8 months to get two fieldwork contracts approved from hospitals near Telluride, so that you can finish graduate school AND attend the best festival ever!

Your mind like mine is already setting in Telluride in June waiting for my body to catch up.

WOW! Congrats! Tell us more…

I bought my plane ticket last October and my festival ticket on December 5th! Not only do I keep a picture of Telluride in my head, I have one taped to the dashboard of my car!

When the background on your computer is the box canyon, and you look at it every single day! :thumbsup

My background is Lawson Hill! :thumbsup

My background was taken from outside a store called slopestyle with the mountains in the backdrop of the town :thumbsup

When your stomach still gets goosebumps when you think about or discuss the concept of the tarp line/run and hearing the bagpipes. (I have those goosebumps RIGHT NOW :hop :hop :hop :hop - Daniela, where are you???)

You Might be a TBF Festivarian IF you pets are named Sam, Bela, Darol, Del, Jerry, Emmy, and Edgar,