you get it in writing that your children will not plan June weddings… or July… or any month when you have to go to a festival. :thumbsup
you have a shoebox full of old festival wrist bands and actually think they might be good tree ornements or maybe a collage and even when you admit that they won’t, you won’t throw them away. :eek
you tell your boss that your :quote sister is getting married just so you can be at a Town Park wedding and hope your boss never catches on that you don’t have a sister.
you are sick enough to go to the doctor but make it a priority to make sure that the antibiotic is one that lets you be in the sun and drinking beer because you are on your way to Telluride! :sick
you are willing to make sure that a fellow festivarian doesn’t miss out completely by taking Flat Larry to Telluride! :pirate
…you plead with your doctor to get your knee surgery right away (which actually prolongs your time in the navy) to be sure you were up and walking in time for the festivities!..By the way got the surgery and can’t move right now. :lovedr
I don’t think I am qualified to call myself a “festivarian” just yet, as this will be my first. I’m still in AAA waiting for the call to the big leagues. I do however make the circuit(if you can call it that) in Missouri.
I have the set times posted on the wall in my office. I went to REI this morning to buy gear just for TBF. I have a Telluride playlist on itunes that has 486 songs from artists performing at TBF this year. Oh yeah and I have a pull the date off calendar that currently says it is 37 days until I start the drive from St Louis to Telluride!
You start your shopping, planning, packing two months in advance and wonder why you waited until the last minute.
You realize you forgot to run 3 miles a day to be able to participate in the tarp run without having to walk or crawl, I guess your shift will be sleeping in line again this year.