You Might be a TBF Festivarian IF ??????

It’s a long story but when you see him, be sure to request the Telluride Balloon Masacre song to be played.

You might be a festivarian if you find pink flamingo boxer shorts in January and you buy them knowing someone at Flamingo will totally dig them.
You will be an abatarian if one week just isn’t enough.

You refuse to delete Planet Bluegrass emails from your Inbox

You made Bloody Mary shoot out of my nose, James!!

:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

My oldest daughter picked an initial date for her wedding that fell during Telluride. I told her that if she didn’t change the date, I would have to be content with attending her “NEXT” wedding.

She picked the following weekend and planned all the accompanying festivities around the time I was in Telluride, like a good daughter. Before anyone thinks that my statement about her “next” wedding was harsh… she stayed married to Josue for one year.
Turns out lil’momma knows best!



  1. For two months before the festival, you run like mad through your neighborhood every morning at 5:00am with a tarp and screaming “FESTIVAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL” at the top of your lungs. :hop :hop :hop :hop

  2. You feel compelled to journey to Town Park once a month every month to make sure it’s still there and that nothing has changed. You belt out a resounding rendition of “Howlin’ at the Moon” on the main stage just to make yourself feel better and because you know you probably won’t get arrested. :giggle :giggle

  3. Your idea of fine china is a KOTO cup, and you have fifty cups from each festival since you started going. Those are the only cups you and anyone that visits you uses, and you’ve discovered that you can even eat out of them if it’s late at night and no one is watching. :clap :clap :clap

AHH!! HAHAHA :rollin so this is what I have to look forward to??? LOVE IT!

You decide to go to Cabela’s to load up on gear… Cabela’s is 3 hours away- you FORGET that you need to be home to get your 9 yr old from the bus stop… Your 9 yr old ends up being home alone for the 1st time ,for 3 hours ,while you fight your way back from Phoenix in a massive traffic jam… Meanwhile, your wife who is over 2000 miles away ( is about to have a nervous breakdown) is calling friends in the neighborhood to make sure your child is ok and able to get into the house…

You are willing to take this person’s confession, beg the spouse and children not to kill and hand down the pennance of…

“Son, you shall sing “Howlin’ at the Moon” each morning at 4 a.m. to the Tarp Line… in shorts and a tank top… barefoot.”

(Man, are you gonna’ get it when Mom get’s home - Good Luck!)

Just to prepare, when your shower is almost over and you still have some creme rinse in your hair, you quickly as if surprising yourself, shut off the hot water and when the blast of cold water hits you start singing howling at the moon and your happy because you’re getting ready for Telluride.

…if you’ve given up your indoor plumbing for the 120 yr old ( 2 seater) out house, in your back yard for PORTA-POTTIE-TRAINING!!! :thumbsup

To continue the porta-pot subject…

You might be a festivarian if you seek out porta-pots throughout the year to use because they remind you of the festival (Yes, I do know a certain girl named Daniela who does that)!!

Hmmmm thats just a bit STRANGE !!


You have no idea! But you will…in about 26 days.


:cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers

You Might be a TBF Festivarian IF ???
you search out wifi hotspots where you can park a big truck so you can catch up on the latest from the forum :drive
last Saturday at Ron & Deb’s pad (thanks again :cheers), Sun and Monday in Yuma( no hot spots :mad ) ,Thursday in Tampa Fl, ( I was going to look you up Hope, but saw you live too far from there) and today in Gary In.
as for porta potties? after some of the places I have to find on the road, those little green or blue rooms are a luxury :thumbsup

you have no choice.

Thanks for thinking of me Rick! :wave

Back on Topic...

You thought about driving across state, just to meet another Festivarian, when gas prices are $3. or more per gallon.  :drive

Hope Lin  :pickin

not that I’m not that considerate, but I drive a truck for a large company, it would have been there fuel. that’s one of the reasons I couldn’t do it.

:lol :lol :lol

I meant me driving to Tampa, silly Rick! :lol :lol :lol

Hope Lin :pickin

:wave :wave :wave Silly people :wave :wave :wave

Don’t you know that Ricks are for Trids.

:cheers :cheers :cheers

damn hippie i want some of what you are smoking to come up with that stretch???
:cheers :cheers :pipe