You Might be a TBF Festivarian IF ??????

(rapidly Googling “trid” to see what I’m up against)

Rick, I will give you a hint. Recently I drove to Santa Fe. At times I was on the old Route 66. Suddenly i thought maybe i should be looking for Trids. Why? Well, you get your kicks on Route 66., right? … but then I remembered… Kicks are for Trids.

:lol LuAnna

AACCKKKK!! :argh :argh you guys are bad!!

All you want to do and can think about for months before the festival is your kitchen/hang out set up. You’ve taken over your backyard with your mock set up to make sure you have everything you need and that your new table is the right size. You start stressing about getting everything done when you realize the irony of stressing about preparing to have fun and relax. Then a huge sigh of relief when you realize you’re not leaving in two weekends but three! Whew.

You might be a TBF Festivarian IF you have plastic TBF cups in your cupboard. :cheers :lol

and in your truck, in your travel kit for :quote Other :quote festivals, in your bathroom for brushing your teeth. and you serve dinner guests fruity rum drinks with umbrellas in them year round.

Some people even eat out of them late at night when no one is looking… Rght Daniella?


I started doubting my status as a “TBF Festivarian” because I don’t set up tents in the living room, backyard, etc. I don’t have TBF cups in my cupboard, and I don’t have a closet full of T-shirts.

Then I realized something. I don’t make a list, I don’t have to test my setup… I’ve been doing this for so long that when I get home, I wash everything and repack the whole she-bang. It stays packed and stacked until I unpack it in Town Park. When I camp for other festivals or just your average run-of-the-mill camping… other than the cups that are in my “dishes” tub, I have an entirely different setup… even a different tent.

Hopefully that meets the “TBF Festivarian” qualifications? Oh… that and the fact that I do train… hard. In fact my neighbors are beginning to get annoyed. I guess that whole crawling blindfolded through the bushes in the middle of the night is frowned upon in my little neighborhood.


:giggle :giggle :giggle :blush :blush :blush

Home is where the tarp is. :wink:

Brilliant idea

You walk into your 5th graders end of year portfolio sharing about 10 minutes late… Kid was a little upset until you explain- BUT, I just got us a vehicle pass!!!

…you eschew the Gregorian calendar for one that counts backwards and starts with the fourth week of June.
24 days left in my year!!!
eerrr…I guess technically 34 days left…but my New Year celebration begins in 24!

That might be the next annual event, the new year’s party, would that be Saturday night?

You might be a TBF festivarian if you stop everything at work, hold your breath, block out all distractions to get online to buy a ticket during the resale madness.

Congrats Courtney, that is a great thing you are doing. :cheers

You might be a Festivarian if you find out the condo you have been staying in for the last 4 years has been sudddenly sold 4 weeks before FESTIVAAAALLL and now you have a dinky hotel room on the other side of town and you start calling everyone in town for a better place and you seriously think you can find a way to afford that one for $1000/ night and then out of the blue another comes open and, phew, for just a little more than you were going to pay you end up with another bathroom and just a little farther to walk and you know it won’t really matter because it will be FESTIVAAALLL!!!

You start saving in July to have enough room on your plastic to be able to enter the LOTTERY in October!!! I gotta work on that one…

You have a different definition of ‘winning the lottery’ than the rest of the country…

You have had to rely on eyewitness accounts that you did indeed “Lei” Amy Grant in Town Park after way way way too many Mai Tais… and that she acknowledged same from the Big Stage…or so they say…

You hear bagpipe music anytime, anywhere, even at a funeral, and instantly get a mental image of the tarp run…and a silly grin on your face…

You have ever taken the gondola at 1 am with AJ and Connie in an attempt to get closer to the moon…

:rollin :rollin :rollin Michelle :flower You’re killing me :rollin :rollin :rollin
:clap :clap


Ah! love it! hahaha :cheers

One Month???

:slight_smile: You’ve done this before… I can tell… :wink:

Hmmm…I think Sunday night, which usually wraps up in grand fashion!

hehe… I’ve been thinking about what to pack since I bought my tickets :slight_smile: Like um what about 3 months ago :slight_smile: