As long as they don't leak all over your white Panties on the plane
Isn’t that what I just said???
You know, I just had a witty reply on the tip of my tongue…well about the tip of my tongue actually, but I got a mental "Bad Toad (smack) (smack), BAD TOAD! just fer thinkin’ it.
Why dilute Kentucky’s finest with all of that fruit… Just bring it on by the Run a Muck kitchen, we might have a good use for it in an undiluted state :lol :lol :lol
You bring Kentucky, I’ll bring California. Actually, I’m picking oranges from a neighbors’ tree and making fresh squeezed oj to freeze. I think it will have to be for the first week abgaters unless someone figures out that freezer I described in the all about food thread.
No, I don’t think it’s available.
I tried to find some last year I think, but couldn’t.
You might need to get it in Montrose if it’s started to evaporate from the trip.
Ahhh yes. A blueberry fizz perhaps… or something like that. What ever that cocktail is, we’ll need to be able to continue having the cocktail while in town. But we should have that discussion over on the Bachelorette Party/Goddess Walkabout topic.
I think “preserving” your fresh blueberries and using them for, say, BOTH occasions is in order Sarah!
Right on! :hop (this banana is happy that it’s not him that will be drowning in da juice come festival time . . . or maybe he’s jealous and yelling “hey, over here! pick me pick me!”
what is wrong with me??? Hey guess what, I’m in St. Louis! This small town girl from Maine is goin out on the town! ow ow!