Lawson Hill Camping

heyo, i’m not totally sure, but sam may have one. I’ll ask him, or you can, errrrrrr…yeah!

We too will be camping at Lawson Hill. Look for the huge Guild guitar collection and the 4 week old baby (yes I’m probably crazy, but I’ve been called worse!)

don’t forget ear plugs?? :thumbsup

ear plugs = beer :cheers

4 week old baby yes you are crazy

Bralower check the ticket exchange board and I think there still may be tickets available for this camp ground but I haven’t check lately sorry.

see you all there!

Ummm - - - I think Rick meant Ear plugs for the baby… :flower

It’s VERY important to protect the little ones hearing, We want your little one to grow up strong and free from hearing damage soe she/he can enjoy festivating with us for years to come. Cotton balls also work pretty well. :thumbsup


Congratulations to the new Mama and Papa! :flower

Take a look at this video. Not sure if you’ve ever been to TBF before… and I’m all for startin’ the kids out on music as soon as possible… but please note the baby being rocked that is in front of this couple. Pretty far back and still pretty loud.

Hope you get some sleep SOON!

‘Auntie’ Hope

I don’t think you’re crazy at all! It will probably be easier this year than once your little person gets mobile. Sam has been coming since before he was born, this will be his fourth festival at three. He has his own love of the festival and it’s a beautiful thing to watch. Hope is right, ear care is critical though. We’ve always used really good earplugs, the silcone ones are especially good. Their website shows a good example of how to maximize their benefit. Roll over the box to see them “installed”. They’re widely available but our local stores have only carried the adult size which works if you use half of one for each ear.

Earplugs alone are not enough though. You probably are already on this but watch your kiddo closely and pay attention to the cues they’re giving you. Also, note that sometimes being behind those speakers towards the back can be louder than somewhere closer to the stage. The heat gets to Sam sometimes but ironically enough the only time he’s complained about the volume was the year before he was born. Victor Wooten’s bass was just too much for him and he let me know it in no uncertain terms.

And Hope, thanks for pointing out the UTube clip. After watching it, up popped this onewhich just makes me smile, smile, smile. It’s best if you watch all the way through. :dancing

You will do fine with the baby… Our boys have been coming since they were born as well… Alex was 5 weeks for his 1st one… ( and I thought I was crazy that year with a newborn and a 1 yr old) YES, earplugs are a must!! Also, you probably want to invest in a shade shelter as well… I must admit though that our hardest festival was the one when they were 1 and 2… If I had to do it again, I probably would have skipped that year…but babes in arms- EASY!!!

Oh, forgot to add. Congrats!!!

Thanks All! This is baby #6 for us, but will be our first festival baby. We have never been to TBF, but have attended lots of others over the years. Everybody else gets to stay home with Grandma, which will secure her two halo’s in wherever she’s going, I’m sure.
I will pick up the ear plugs. Anybody suggest a shade shelter that isn’t too high but still packable? I wear him in a sling the vast majority of the time, but there are times he will need to be put down.

Something like this is good…Lil’ nursery tent

But you may just want to use a small 2 person tent that you can get at Walmart or whatever- That will last you a few years… We still bring our little tent in everyday and the kids still like to hide in it and play, invite other kids and have a clubhouse. ( My 2 are 9 and 11) Also, we still tend to bundle them up in it at night if they want to sleep and we can stay at the festival … Also, I have seen people bring in their pack and plays and it looks like a shade tent is now available for them… I would have used that too when they were infants if I would have thought of it and they made shades…

Just so you know, there are shade shelters people set up in the back and there’s always space under one. People share shade so just ask or skip to the next tent that’s available. See the you-tube link by hope a couple messages back for a view.

I was worried my first year - I burn easily - but I never needed to use the one I bought.


Oh yeah, we always have some space under our shade… We have an ez-up… We try and be somewhere on the left fence…

how far away is the parking lot at lawson hill? I am wondering if it will be a pain to carry camping stuff (coolers etc.) on the shuttle. :flower

OK Lawson neighbors… I’m new to all this… how far do I have to lug my gear from parking to campsite? I get in on Wednesday in time for volunteers meeting and Yonder gig. Any body out there a friend of Bill W’s? how 'bout Wharf Rats? anybody??? it’s all good. showers? ice? I already get the no shade thing. it’s cool. i’m hot. teehee. I’m totally ready for a road trip musical adventure. wasn’t there a song like that? (no)happy birthday Sgt. Pepper!!! all you (we) need is love…

Hey Lawson buddies! My husband and I are starting to pack and prepare for fun and festivities with ya’ll. We’re driving from good ol’ Manhattan, KS with some of our local brew and goodies. We’re sooo excited! We haven’t vacationed since our honeymoon…only a year and a half ago :lol
This is our first time out to the festival, but we’re already making plans for next year with some folks…look forward to meeting you all!

I have a couple of questions:
How far is the parking lot from the Lawson Hill camping?
Do we haul our stuff or can we drop it off and then go park the car?
Is there people watching the area so we don’t have our stuff stolen (I mean throughout the festival)? This goes for camping area and parking lot.
Can we carry our beers on the shuttle? - as well as walk with them to the festival?
Thanks in advance


Hi Maris

we were just in Kansas for Wakarusa. Had a good time. We will try to bring some microbrew from Santa Fe to share too. It’s our first time to Telluride so we are anxious to see how it compares in set up to other festivals.

We got married in October 2006 so we are kinda newlyweds too.
Lets raise a glass together - :cheers
when are you getting in? We are getting in Wednesday evening if all goes well. We are thankful it will be only a 6 hour trip versus the 13 hours to Lawrence Kansas

Okay, for anyone still interested…I called planet bluegrass and they said the parking lot we use for lawson hill is the parking lot to the ballfield, so we should be fine to just carry stuff from the cars. that is very convenient. see you all next week, I am excited to meet you! :wave

Great thanks for calling them Joy… glad to know we are parking at least close by to our camp.
see you in a week. We are coming up Thursday morning so everyone be nice and save us some room.
Kelly :flower