Lawson Hill Camping

Hi all
I am a new attendee to this particular festival and was wondering how good the Lawson Hill Campground is? I have heard from different people about Telluride - some say it’s the best, others not so much. So I have been told to bring a bicycle because the campgrounds are so far away etc. I don’t know - 3 miles doesn’t seem that bad. Is this a nice campground (Lawson)? And will we be able to find decent space if we arrive very late Tuesday night or early Wednesday?
Thanks much - looking forward to finally going to Telluride!

Just posted a similar inquiry at the same time :wave

Lawson Hill is located 3 miles west of town by society turn gas station , pretty much open camping
Shuttle service is good, a pop up shelter would be a good thing to have

hope that helps a bit


Who else is camping in Lawson??? Let’s put some faces to names ay!!! Sarah here . . . come out come out wherever you are!!!


If I don’t find space in a condo, I will once again camp at Lawson.
No shade, unless you pitch your tent along the eastern edge, where you will find some refuge from the morning sun. Close to town, quick bus ride in.

And you can’t beat the price!

See ya there??

Big Al

Well, I’ll be strolling into town REALLY early so I’m thinking I could grap a little bit of shade id I so choose…i hope anyway . . . yeah, unless I score a town park ticket I’ll be in lawson! either way, it’s gonna be a blast! so how is the community feel at Lawson? any picking tents, or other “get togethers” of any kind? see ya in June!

I would love to get the community feel going at Lawson! Who’s gonna be there? We’re arriving Wednesday afternoon, just in time to set up and get to the Yonder show. Save me some shade!

I can’t wait to get back to the Festival. I haven’t been there since '96. Yikes!


:cheers I am very excited for my first festival. I am camping at lawson hill and will be running into several people I know, but will be traveling solo. Any words of wisdom for a solo traveler?

:wave We will be camping at Lawson & are totally psyched!! Just the two of us from RI ~ NO Kids!!! WOOOHOO!!! ( not that we mind other peoples! :thumbsup)
We’ll be showing up late Tuesday, using borrowed equipment & hopefully getting it right by the 3rd try!!! :cheers I KNOW we’ll be having a great time & look forward to meeting you all!! :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers

:flowerMissy & Scotto

Its gonna be fun meeting all of yall !!!


yay for solo traveling girls! woo hoo! I’ll be in lawson as well, we’ll have to meet up.

oh sure, butter em’ up Ron, your true colors will show soon enough . . . . :wink: I know! lure them in with your beer, than suck them into the nuttiness of all nuttiness (it’s my new favorite word to explain your customs as festivarians)

Nuttiness Honey


:thumbsup Sounds good! I love Telluride, I can’t wait. I went to the blues and brews festival once, but I know this will be much better!

No condo space has appeared, so I am in!!

See y’all Thursday…Hey Ron and Deb…can ya save a shady spot for me?
Won’t be arriving til Thurs morning.
Lemme know

Big Al

your covered Al


Saw this photo of Lawson (formerly Telecam) on my earlier adventure following Ron’s breadcrumbs (see the TBF–>All the time in the world thread) on the flickr site.


Thats the perfect shot …kym !!!

Me (Alabama) and my buddy (Boulder) will be pulling into Lawson Wed. afternoon. I’m ready to partake in some good music/beer/company. Look forward to seeing everyone.

Glad to see who else will be camping there. This will be our first trip to Telluride. Thanks for posting a picture. Wow right by a river! That looks pretty decent and will help me decide what to pack. For those of you who have been there before - do they allow glass growlers of beer in the campsite? :cheers
Thanks - looking forward to hanging with you all. Only six weeks away—