Food .... 2009

Rob you are not the only one that will need to start imbibng early, the thought of you and Tom in ruffles, is a little, wel let’s just say it brings those horrible memories of a certain someone, in a certain undergarment, all rushing back :eek :eek , oh man now I need a drink!

I’m actually thinking Wednesday may be better since a lot of people will be busy making Hor’Dourves for the beer tasting at noon Tuesday.
They can have a bloody mary afterwords at 10:30 too. :thumbsup

Are we sure that the 1/2 size sheet pans will fit into the oven @ TP? If you have the inside dimensions, I will double-check the pans I have to make sure they fit. :thumbsup

:wave LaLagay you are a delight… however I think if you make just a few recepies we can cut that list in half…

We could also ask for help and spread the pastrie love around if you require your entire list… :flower. Maybe one person bring all the dairy and another all the nuts and so on.

I would pick 3 of your favorite receips, triple them and you will know exactly what is needed for 9 dozen pastries.
Then your pastries could be cut in half or thirds to feed the masses. Think about it… :medal

This is a warning: don’t let me loose in a kitchen with ideas about baking!!! :lol :lol :lol

But there’s sooo many things I want to make… :flower ok, ok, I’ll try to downsize a bit…

I’ll re think the recipes and come up with a set, weighed & mesured plan :thumbsup

And before I forget, we’ll be needing a decent sized, smooth topped working surface, ie table, to do all that pastry rolling… :cheers

LaLa your enthusiasm is infectious and I am looking forward to cooking with you lil’ sister.

Who else is gonna get there mojo workin… to ruffle or not to ruffle that my friends is the question.
I make the best red rooster aprons… :medal

Just think about it…
Bacon, pastries, and Bloody Mary’s all in the same morning. :flower

Okay…Haven’t gotten the oven yet, but the inside dimensions I believe are 14" wide x 12" deep x 5" high. Says it has 2 racks and can fit most 9x13 baking pans.
Will let you know if that is different when it gets here. Sounds a little better than my little sisters EZ Bake oven with the light bulb when we were growing up. :lol :lol

Wednesday does sound better to me. Forgot about Tuesday doing the apps with the Brew Tasting. And this gives our pastry chef a day to acclimate. And couldn’t remember which day Deb did the Bloody Mary Mornings. Perfect!!! We get our bellies filled with pastries and bacon,etc., get a buzz going on Mamosa’s and then get blatto on killer Bloody Mary’s. Life doesn’t get any better than this!

Having second thoughts about the ruffles, though. Think red union jack’s are more my style. Will keep the back flap buttoned up, though, for the squeamish. :thumbsup

:lol :lol need some ruffles on that flap? :lol :lol

Still not solid on arrival date just yet.

Lookin forward to it.Wed at 10? It will be nice to meet you Rob, Ron and many others :cheers

Oh Gawd what Have I started !

Useless…hope you are bringing most of the baking equipment. I have some and will try to bring stuff I think we’ll need. Being single, don’t do alot of scratch baking around here. Figure between all of us, we can pull this off and start another TP tradition.

As far as the ruffles on the back flap, Shark, It might give some folks the wrong idea! Now if I do have ta wear a frilly apron, I could go nekk’ed underneath, kinda like a true Scotsman in a kilt. Use to wear full Scotish garb at our rugby clubs annual Halloween Soiree and Baying Contest! :evil
:hop :clap :hop :clap :hop :clap :hop

So…the Mayor has given his blessing on Wednesday moring! Let’s Rock and Roll and blow some folks slippers off with a great breakfast! :thumbsup :thumbsup :cheers

Ron, Ya game? Need to know what the apps are you’re preparing for Brew Tasting. so we don’t duplicate. Should be a hoot…and think there will be a bunch that want to jump in to help.
Jail Dog

OOOHHHH! Poop! The Mayor now has the PJ Brunch on the TP schedule. Gotta make it happen now. The bacon cook is that morning also, so bring all extra bacon to the Jailhouse and we will put it to good use! :thumbsup

Mayor, add Hors Dourves to the Brew Tasting, or would that overshadow the brewers? :huh

THis is going to be a hoot! Can’t wait to meet and work with all those throwing into these events. Great additions to the prefest!
:dog :dog :dog :dog :dog :dog
How many more days? Lists, menus, equipment…Oh man, gotta go!

Ok Im gonna leave the baking of tasty treat 's to the Goddess’s
Im all about the Meat /Heat/Catfish/Bacon !

I will be your official dishwasher… IF I GET A TICKET!

'Nuff Said…

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Hope…you’re being way to quite tonight! Are you game for all this? You’re my “Right hand man” in the Jailhouse kitchen! :thumbsup

:wave I think the word is

:quote Kitchen Wench :quote


First one I can find has your name on it! I’m not worried…you’re there!
Rob…Dishwasher! :lol :lol :lol :lol

we are on eth same page bro …
and she is MY Kitchen wench !!!