Food .... 2009

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol That was ace TellurideTom :thumbsup

This idea is getting better every minute!!!
Hippie, please please please find your special jammies with the foot socks attached!!! :flower I don’t think I could live without them now that you’ve mentioned them…
Now Ron’s Tie - Dye suit seems pale in comparison…
I’ll just let you all make a fool of yourselves and turn up fully dressed :wink:
Now seriously, what I’ll be needing is an apron…

I am makeing a ton of my aprons for us, no worries, got ya covered. :eek. :flower I mean uhmmmm. Do you need a sweet french apron, :flower mon amee sherri(spoken like pepe lapew)

Yay !!! :hop you’re actually making us the aprons ?!? That’s soo cool ! :clap we’re going to be the best dressed cooks of the whole of TBF! :cheers

Did you make your list yet?

Will they be aprons with special “attachments”? :lol :lol :lol :lol If so then I guess weiners will be served.

:lol :lol :lol :lol ahhhh man oh man, don’t give me any ideas here now :lol :lol :lol The man apron :lol
My aprons are unisex all for one and one for all! No ruffels … but maybe a special man apron would be in order for the head chefs at the bacon / pasty/ pj/ get yer mojo workin bake off… :medal

No ruffels??? I was really looking forward to those… I supposed I’m used to luxury, my home apron is blue with black spots and plenty of ruffles, it looks like a spanish flamenco dress…
I think we should implement the ruffles, but the men should wear them, and we should get one’s saying “professional chef at work - do not contradict” or something along thoses lines… :lol :lol :lol :lol

:lol :wave :lol I could think of a thousand jokes right here, but I’m not touchin’ it!!! :lol :lol :lol
For you LaLa ruffles… :lol :flower I will PM you soon, I am just finishing my taxes to hand over !!!

Ya hhhhooo can we get a wild with self abandon YAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cowgirl. :cheers

Okay…everyone knows Tom and I are pretty conservative and lude behavior and exposition at the Jailhouse is frowned upon! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Yeah, right!
:hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop
PJ Pastries! Another prefest annual in the making!
Especially if we’ve lost the Free Box fashion show! Or was that an April Fool?

Ruffles for you good man?? Or shall you wear a manly man apron :lol :lol

I’m always a gamer! Ruffles, if it must be! :cheers Just have to start imbibing a little earlier than normal to get that Crackcorn Boy attitude…you know…Jimmy…“Jimmy Crackcorn I don’t care!” :lol :lol :lol
Might have to add another cooler or two this year, since we look like we are adding the PJ Pastries and the Brew Tasting appitizers! That’s good though, cooking will keep me off the streets…chained to the Jailhouse, were us boys belong! :thumbsup :evil :thumbsup :evil
:woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo

YIPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEE !!! I’m done… time to play…!!
Practice, pratice, pratice!!I’m ready to pack that car(aprons, squirt gun, cool pj’s to bake in and some cool jams to bake buy :lol, flyrod, sunscreen, lawnchair,hubby, tequilla :hombre

f I close my eyes I can feel the sun on my shoulders and my dirty feet… and the sounds of fest drifting in the air… I think I smell flank steak :flower man I need a vacation :lol :lol :lol :medal

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :concert :rollin :rollin :rollin :clap :rollin :rollin :rollin :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Okay! Okay! Do we have a morning and time to lock this in for prefest? Mayor Tom, probably needs to be Tues. or Wed. morning, since the Pastry Girl doesn’t arrive until Monday afternoon. How many are in for this and how many should we expect to feed? :huh If this goes on the calander, we might have a bunch, expand the menu, maybe have Deb do the killer Bloody Mary’s that morning and get some help from the other camps to participate for a massive feed ( for those that can make it up early) at Wander-In/Jailhouse. Buffet style? :huh PJ’s or costume required to get served? :huh
Not going over the Mayor’s head without his input. Mayor, is the Free Box really gone? :huh Event to replace? :huh
PJ Pastries…PJ Breakfast…Worldly Festivarian Breakfast…or just Feeesssstiiivvvallll Breakfast.
I’m game and think a good addition. Think alot will participate…even with a bit of an overhang. :thumbsup :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop
Feed Back?

Apron Strings - PJ Pastries! :flower
How about Tuesday morning about 10AM?
We don’t want to roust Town Park too early. :lol

There’s not much going on Tuesday morning…

Or, we could move up the Bloody Mary’s on Wednesday to 10 and combine the two…
Let me know what you prefer. :cheers

Got my mojo workin, got my mojo workin, Tuesday 10AM is Mojo/pj bakin/ time ??? Coooooooool :lol
I think we will have arrived by then… still alittle sketchy . :flower Ruffles Tom?
I just want Lala to enlighten me , in the ways of french Pastry :medal Lets make sure she has everything she needs for success…SSSOOOoooo ya think Adam can play Got My Mojo Workin’ on the Banjo :sunshine :festivarian

Yo! Tuesday is good by me! :thumbsupGot to have some feed back from Deb and the Bloody Mary’s. Could leave the Bloody Mary morning alone, that is Deb’s thing, and they are damn good, and do cheap champange and OJ for this one?
We will probably have a punch drunk, lagged pastry chef, but I’ll bet she can rock and roll. This sounds like the start to another great TP tradition. :thumbsup
Lala, are you up for this?
Let’s move on with the Mayor’s vote to Tues. 10 am for the new PJ Pasrty Brunch?
New names are welcome and all that want to bring a breakfast dish, fruit or cheap champange are welcome and appreciated. Forward we must go to make it better every year! :cheers
Guess you can get some stuff from the Free Box to dress up, since that was an April Fool! PJ’s will be the appropriate attire of choice!
:hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop

:thumbsup I will bring some of the bubbly and flour, sugar, etc. Some aprons for his/her. My mojo :lol

We have the spices and some equipment but need to know exactly what of these you need. Don’t want to bring what is not needed.

OK, this is getting serious, so I better get it all down properly! :thumbsup

I’ll be arriving monday, so Tuesday 10 am should be fine, I might still be a bit jet lagged from my flight, but I’m sure I can work around it, as long as I have an official Telluride bluegrass wake up call :wink:

SO what we’ll need (or I would like in my ideal kitchen :flower ) equipment wise, UselessJo, is:
French rolling pin
several large/deep mixing bowls
small mixing bowls with pans that fit these for bain-marie style cooking
pastry brush
1/2 sheet pans
cooling racks
wire whips (easy Ron!)
rubber spatula
pastry bag w/tips
spring form pan (whatever size is available)
pastry cutters (different shapes & sizes)
dough scraper
Almond and Vanilla extract

Then… What we’ll need ingredient wise, Landshark, is:
Sugar (caster, golden, white, icing varieties)
Butter (of the unsalted type, industrial quantities :lol )
eggs (tons of those…)
milk (loads of it)
raising agent (cream of tartar, bicarbonate of soda or other)
bakers yeast (fresh if at all possible)
good quality dark chocolate (as much as you can get!)
flaked almonds, powdered almonds, whole almonds
pine nuts
any other nuts you might fancy
dessicated coconut
cinnamon, mixed spice (cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, star anis)
candied peel (orange & lemon), candied ginger (if available)
unwaxed lemons (a dozen at least!!!)
cream (single, double, soured)
apples (golden delicious ideally)
any fresh fruit you fancy really
vanilla pods
basic - digestive biscuit style - biscuits
dates, orange flower water…

I think that pretty much covers it, but I might have to add to that list…

Finally we’ll need:
first class aprons
amazing pjs
medals to hand out for outstanding performance (this can be cooking or pj or picking or bacon related :cheers ) :medal
someone to restrain Jailhouse Rob if he gets itchy about all these girls in his kitchen :wink:
someone to restrain Ron if he tries to get his hands on the whips :lol :lol :lol
someone to snatch a photo of Hippie in his PJs
a massive table to hold all the amazing food we’ll be turning out, out of reach during the necessary cooling period

and of course: the best picking party in TP to get our mojo’s working and our feet stomping and the festitude going !!! :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo

Feel free to improve the list above with your suggestions, or let me know if some of it is downright impossible so that I can rethink my recipes… :cheers