Food .... 2009

Hippie We love Cooking with You and Karlos
But what do you say to "Bumping it up a Notch "
Run a Muck against Camp WanderIn
we can do the judging at Town Hall !
And Yes will will Do the Green Camp as well sounds like Fun ?
“ShowDown” …hahaha
Much Love My Brother from another Mother
So yall have a double Challendge!
We are In To Win !
We will do all that we always do , I asking to ADD another Event
what ya Think ?

No contest there - - -
You missed the smoked brisket by Karlos, fire roasted corn from Cindy Lou, and the hippie salad. And that was on saturday night… exactly a week int our preserve camp.

Then there is oysters, and sourdough waffles…

You don’t stand a chance brother. Stick to your tacos and homebrew :flower

:cheers :cheers :cheers

[quote author=Hippie link=topic=4573.msg31247#msg31247 date=1220286636.
You don’t stand a chance brother. Stick to your tacos and homebrew :flower
:cheers :cheers :cheers
Those are fightin’ words Ron, :horsey :horsey :dog

You don’t stand a chance brother. Stick to your tacos and homebrew :flower

:cheers :cheers :cheers
Brother Jerry …
Alas my Friend
Deb and I have been honing our Cooking Skills
and as you will see My brisket will be waiting for you on Friday Night when you guys
come in for the “LandRush”
so the Gauntlet is Laid Down

I encourage this competition. Both in greening and cooking.

Both camps can bring me a plate of dinner each night, and I will award points based on pre-specified criteria. :rock

I am going to officially throw my hat into the ring with my famous “Cirtrus Parsley Pork Tenderloin”. Punchy can vouch for it. :thumbsup

YUMMY, this sounds good BillyB! :medal

It is awesome, Miki. Without giving away all of my secrets ;), the marinade includes the following:

Soy sauce
Peanut Oil
Fresh chopped parsley
Lemon juice
lemon pepper
mustard powder
dry sherry

I made it Saturday night to the crowd’s delight.

My lunchtime burgers are also a fave: Jamaican jerk burgers!

Gee that’s almost worth flying you out just for dinner Billy :lol

Um Ron I can attest for the magical grilling of the Run a Muck men…
I live with one, and he feeds me wayyyyyyy toooooo mucccchhh
If it was mediocre or everyday cooking I could turn it down,
But the lovely tasty creations that come out of the Kaptains Kitchen,
:evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil
this weekend it was Gyros with cucumber sauce …
But really he made the Gyro meat from scratch… smoked it then sliced it up…
on a tasty Pita…
You just can’t compete :lol
nor can you pass up.

Does the server get a backstage pass???
If so I will volunteer…

Ive been spoiling my wife over the past year …aka Test Monkey …lol

Yes We can compete
And We Will Compete
with our Crew it will be nuttin but Fun and Filling
Loser Does the Dishes !!!
Jerry, Karlos lets work out the Format
oh and Rick is in Our Camp …lol

Oh and Billy !!
you can come in with us !

Right on, brother! :cheers

Ya Know its kinda Funny with the Level of Food
and Festivating that we do , The Feeds we have pulled off
Jerry , Karlos
you Guys are Pros !!!
But what a Fun Feed this would be !

You will have some competition for the greenest site this year…
Mine might be a little ridiculous.
I’ll help Dustin judge though… make that two plates delivered to his site… :cheers

Lets bump it up a Notch !

Jilhouse Boys are ready to dance! :thumbsup Wander-In has been lying in wait with it’s cookung talent. You had only a small taste of the delights the Jailhouse (Wander-In annex) is able to create., And I believe we have a secret weapon from the UK this year. No! Not you Mark! :evil
Game on!
Jailhouse Boys! :cheers

Ohhhhhhh yeah you can say that again Rob :wink:
I know UK is reputed for it’s cooking, but I grew up in France and my mum worked as a chef so…
I don’t know what kind of equipment you have, but I’m guessing ovens aren’t readily available… Tis a shame, as my pastries are quite a sensation… :flower

Be careful what you wish for , I have an oven I will be glad to offer up(not during show time of course). Can you teach us how to whip up some yummy pastry??? :medal