Food .... 2009

Bring your High Altitude Baking Instructions! It can be done, and done very well (Jerry and Karl whipped up some homemade pasta in 2007 that was wonderful). :thumbsup

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

As Flounder said in “Animal House”…“This is going to be GREAT!”
:pig :clap :pig :clap :pig :clap :pig :clap

So what are the teams here? Are there rules?

Ron? Rules? Think he would say…" There ain’t no stinkin rules!". Really, not sure how this will fall out. However, it should be alot of fun and I love to cook. (Note: Rob, add sipping wine for artistic creativity) Starting out, Wander-In vs. Run a Muck, but maybe we need to narrow this down How about, any camp that wishes to participate, we do Hor’Dourves (sp?) during the brew tasting, 2 entries per camp and judged by the planet? Just a thought. Might be fun and can include more that 2 camps in the compitition. Brew Tasting is at the crossroads, so open to alot of folks to get some great brews and food!
I’m game and think this might be a fun addition to to pre-fest!
Jailhouse :cheers

Kimmy Jo works for a spice company and we have many spices, spice blendst here and can possibly get more to bring with us. We arrive Monday. This offer is open to all that are cooking. Perhaps we should put together a “free box” spice bin. Thoughts?
I sell restaurant equipment and can on occasion get my hands on utensils, stock pots, etc. Anyone have any specific needs?
We cant make any promises here but if we have enough time pehaps we can make it happen. Let the asking begin! :wink:

One thing we did several times last year, because it’s so versatile, was to blacken main course meats. :thumbsup
A cast iron skillet, some butter and blackening spices go a long way and work on anything from burgers and chicken fajitas to filet mignon or elk tenderloins. We usually mix up our own spices- from recipes we got years ago from some Paul Prudhomme cookbook- anyway, if you’ve got anything along those lines, bring it- it’ll come in handy and I’d be game to try other versions. If you’re interested in some of Prudhomme’s ingredients, LMK and I’ll post a list- thanks for the kind offer, very nice! :wave

Other Ron in Albuquerque

We do have a small (5 or 6 oz) supply of a blend called “Blackened Seafood Seasoning” available. Consider it in the spice box. There is a Lime pepper that kicks butt on everything from poultry and seafood to pork. Keep it coming folks!

Rob you guys have been killing me all night
Ive been reading the post on my Blackberry , while at work
just too damn Funny
So now Im at home just opened my 2nd beer , and Im gonna try and catch up
First the Disclaimer …In cause you havent figured it out yet I am a Total SmartArse !
<oh say it isnt so ???>
My Wife Deb is a Total Sweet Heart and one of the few women that has been able to put me in my place …lol

I cant wait to get there and Totally have a blast with all of you …This is Festatvation at its Finest
and yes Rob …We dont need no stinken rules !!

Every year we make new Friends …eat some great food …hear some great music …Drink some good Spirts
eat more good food !!

Ya know the Camp Vs Camp thang , IMHO, we just wouldnt have time for
we have a FULL schdule of activties and Feeds …Im Digging the Bacon thing !
I think we should Keep Tweaking the Feeds we already have on the List …
We have some great Cooks in all the camps !!!

Hey there!

I’ll definitely take you up on the spice offer!

I’m traveling from the UK as you know, and I doubt I’ll be taking any food through customs…

My personal use list includes:

cinnamon, cardamom pods, cloves, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, turmeric, black & white mustard seeds, black pepper corns, lemongrass…
You don’t do dried herbs as well do you? like oregano, thyme, bay leaves, sage…
And what about fresh basil, red & green chillies, dessicated coconut?

I’m guessing Telluride grocery stores are also well stocked…

Don’t worry, if you have an oven I would be delighted to knock up a few pastries and give out a few tips in the process, home baking for me is time well spent :slight_smile:

EXCELLENT!!! Tell me what you need and I will bring it :medal

I don’t know man, I kind of like the idea of hors d oeuvres at the brew tasting? not so much a competition, but an addition to the tasting? they could be judged by the crowd if you wish? we could even have a bacon category?? MMMMMM!! :cheers

Yeah Rob and I are working on the Hors for the Brew Tasting
and yes Bacon will be on the menu…

Yeah…I think the addition of finger food added to the brew tasting is perfect! Working on a couple of items from the Jailhouse. :pig Jailhouse has plenty of tables, so if some other camps want to chime in, we’ll enlarge the setup to accommodate. :pig Location, Location, Location! Bacon!Bacon!Bacon! :pig

Like Ron said, the pre-fest schedule is pretty full, but food with the brew taste would be a great enhancement. But keep in mind, the brewer’s have the main stage here! :thumbsup So…yeah…a competition would probably not be a good idea. Just eat, Drink and be marry! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

High Fives Rob !!
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

Spice girl here…
My company is primarily a repacker/wholesaler of dried spices and herbs…as fresh as can be bought stateside but, even better, we create seasonings daily in big ol blenders so the Blackened Seasoning is easy to bring and highly recommended. That will be our first ‘must have’ flavor.

Lalagay - I can fix you up with Cinnamon, Cloves (ground or whole?), Coriander seeds, Cumin (Comino) seeds, Fennel seeds, Turmeric, yellow Mustard seeds (Canadian- no black or white), black pepper corns, oregano, thyme, bay leaves, sage…just about any dried herb or spice-nothin fresh such as Basil. Just let me know which ones you truly would desire…or any other Festichef out there that feels like spicing it up a bit.

I’m a bit spoiled…we would never buy spices from a grocery store. Unfortunately, they are quite old when the old standards hit the shelves…and overpriced as well.

And no to the Cardamon pods, Lemongrass, coconut.

We have many blends such as Jerk Seasoning; Lemon, Garlic or Lime Pepper; Roasted Garlic with Red Bell Pepper; Crab/Shrimp Boil; Chili Powder; Rib Rub; Fajita etc. If you want it, let me know and I’ll let you know if we can provide.

Just so everyone knows, we will arrive in Telluride on Monday the 15th so keep that in mind when setting up your table D’ hote!
:wave :cheers :thumbsup

Okay, Lalagay. You have your spices. Guess we have to figure out an oven. Most finger food/appetizers do require an oven to heat. Might have to add to the Jailhouse kitchen to experience these French pastries. :pig
Can’t wait. Got any good finger food recipies that include bacon for Hooch?
Festival!!! :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop

Miki says she has a camp oven and I know Courtness also has one, or she had one last year.

When are you pulling into Telluride this year?

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green