Food .... 2009

Thanks, Hope, but if they are like a buck fifty or so, might be a nice addition to the kitchen. I think we do have a French pastry chef coming, so want to be able to turn her loose in a rustic camp in the high Colorado mountains. :thumbsup Your job will then be to drag me off so she can do her thing. You know, when it comes to cooking and my kitchen, what a possessive beeatch I can be. :evil
Should be a heck of a lot of fun, but half the fun is going to be deciding on just two items to prepare. Drink…fret…drink…fret…this one?..drink…fret…that one?..drink…fret! You can see, it’s going to be a long three months. OH MY GOD!
ONLY THREE MONTHS! :argh :argh

  1. Why just 2 items to prepare?

  2. 3 months? I count roughly 10 and a half weeks before I leave! Oh, that’s right you leave about a week later, sorry! :giggle

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

You can always make more things, and then decide which ones you want as your official entry :wink: :wink: :wink: like you said, rustic kitchen. weather can mess with ya, especially if it’s cold and/or wet.
so you just try out as many as you want, i don’t think it will be a problem
hee hee some people are vegan, some are meat lovers, and then there’s Hooch. :cheers
I mean there should be at least as many apps as there will be brews, ne devait pas là ?

Go Mizzou is right! What a win! Sorry about the Boilermakers :spill
I cant believe the food talk, it makes me feel (pulling on front of sweater) like a little school girl!

Not sure just yet about arrival dates but yes you are welcome to use my oven in the condo (which is the closest to the fest)… So you can still get them there hot…

.Fest would not be the same without all of you and the things you do for all of us. Thanks for all the effort… :medal

:wave Lalagay just let me know what to bring and if you change your mind it’s ok. Cooking on your vacation…that could lose its appeal after some after thought.

However I would love to learn some new tricks and taste some of yout fab pastries… :flower

We will have to make plenty to share or Rob will put me in the time out corner for stealing you away from his camp… :lol

Not that any job is awesome, But yours sounds cool just for the fresh spices that you can bring home on a daily basis.

Right, ok, no need to argue over me guys :wink: I’ll find time for everyone’s oven!!!

UselessJo, you’re list sounds great :thumbsup pretty much covers it all (I will miss the cardamom though), I do prefer whole spices, but would need a high power blender or a pestle & mortar to be able to grind them… I’m not familiar with any of your spice mixes (it’s a US thing I guess), and I do like to make my own mix depending on what flavor I’m going for, and what kind of dish… But chili powder is a must. I’m hoping to get all the stuff like fresh chilies, coconut, basil from the stores in town.

Landshark: as for baking facilities, all I need is a even heated oven with a nicely adjustable temperature (very low steady heat is a must with more refined baking such as anything meringue related, but if not we’ll just have to do something else :slight_smile: ), and then anything from metal baking sheets, pie dishes, tart dishes, sponge cake moulds and maybe a spring form cake tin for my ever popular lemon cheesecake…
Honestly, don’t get me started on baking, I fell in love with it when I was about 4 watching my mum turn out these crazy things, and I can’t even remember the first time I made my first cake… making featherlight shortcrust pastry is probably my favorite trick, as it can be turned into a delicious quiches & pies or luxury french tarts… oooooohhhh better start getting my recipes ready! I genuinely take great pleasure in producing tasty food for all to enjoy, and I do it much more when I’m on holiday cos I don’t get much time when I’m working…

So Rob, be prepared for the frenglish invasion in you kitchen ! (don’t worry, I’ll treat it nicely :flower ) and anyone else how wants to host me in their various cooking installment during the week, I’d be delighted!!!


Just leave the UK and open a bakery lalagay, Im sure the US is ready for high class french fancies.

One side effect of my job though is the ever present smell of spices where ever I go… the brief waft of garlic/cinnamon/pepper/rosemary or whatever happens to be filling my airspace that day. Hangs onto my person and I get to share that with all the folks I pass by after work. Lends a certain air of mystery you know. :giggle

:clap :hop :clap :hop :clap :hop I have most of these pans and will bring them. As far as the oven goes, not sure till I check in … Bring a few friends as well and we will make a morning of it… :medal

French rolling pin ,pastry brushes,1/2 sheet pans, cooling racks, wire whips (easy Ron!), metal & rubber spatulas, pastry bag w/tips, sifter, parchment, set of spring form pans (8",9",10") candy thermometer,dough scraper. Do you need any of these? We can also bring Almond and Vanilla extract if you want.

Okay Kimmy! I you must! This is why I’ve never gotten into baking! love the outcome though!
Worried about the rolling pin thing though…I think I have a UK redhead cooking in my camp and if she has a rolling pin, I am keeping my distance!
Do need your advise…are the Coleman propane ovens any good? Will pick one up for Lala, if they work okay.
“This is going to be GREAT!”
:wave :thumbsup :wave :thumbsup :thumbsup

I suppose we should start identifyinng ourselves over here at camp UselessJo. :lol :lol :lol The last post was done by Brian.
“I you must”…I did not understand that Rob.
We have never used the Coleman but I have heard that it is very good. I’m not sure though, that it is possible to do some of the items that it seems that Lalagay is possible of pulling off. It will come down to the type of pastries she has in mind. You need her input on this one.


Don’t go buy a coleman oven that sits over a regular propane stove burner (like this) if you don’t already have one (unless you want to use multiple, which is an option, as they are small.) I’m bringing one and you folks are welcomed to it anytime. Using it is a trial and error thing, the temp gauge is +/- 100 degrees, and you can only fit about one 9" pan. But for outdoor camping, it does approximate a small oven.

It’s good for biscuits, cinnamon rolls and brownies once you’ve trialed and learned from the errors.

Now, if you’re talking about the newer, fancier, more expensive kind…as shown here then, by all means run out and get one so we can borrow it from you :lol

I thinking I may need to make some kind of basic vanilla cake to serve as a foundation for bananas foster :wink:

Brian and Jo: I’m looking through my Spice Lover’s Bible cookbook and may have another request or two in the coming days- I’ll be bringing New Mexico green chiles if you’re interested.

Other Ron in Albuquerque

We have an Oven in WanderIn as well …
Spices …OMG …Im Bringing Cases of Sauces and Rubs as well as a case of the Hottest Bloody Mary Mix …
Also bringing at least 20pds of Green Chilie …as well as Jalapino;s and Habby’s
So if you Like Heat …we have ya covered !

:thumbsup Maybe - I’ll just leave the kitchen home and eat at everyone elses camp this year. :lol :lol :lol


OMG UselessJo you read my mind!!! I had no idea I could expect to be so fully equipped, you’ve pretty much listed my ideal kitchen!!! If you bring the lot, there’s going to be some serious cooking going on, trust me! :thumbsup This is getting me seriously excited…

As Landshark mentioned, we could make a morning (or a day… :wink: ) of it :slight_smile:

Rob, I can’t believe you’re going to get an oven just for me! that’s simply too sweet of you :flower I might have to make something extra special in it’s honor :thumbsup

Other Ron… Yep, looking at the fancy one. It’s 12x14 and will easily fit a 9x13 baking pan. It has two shelves with a 5" height on each. Thanks for the advise.
Will rush right out and get one for the Jaihouse. All are welcome to use, as well. Thinking I might do a little pre-cooking (baked pasta, Briscuit, etc.) and juxt be able to heat in the oven for a good meal between shows.

Useless… as for the “I you must”…I don’t have a clue! That Maker’s Mark just went down a little to easy. You know…I was doing the “Curly Schuffle”. Just me, the only one that took notice was the chocolate Lab and she was looking at me a little funny last night.

Festival!!! :cheers

How about I bring the flour , sugar, etc and useless brings all the pans… sounds like my dream kitchen as well :lol?? Is that OK? I think were gonna need some morning music and everyone should come over first thing in the morning with their PJ’s on… :flower