Food .... 2009

Where am I wearing my PJ’s to? Are you in TP?

I’ll be making bacon, while the girls are doing the pastries! Camp coffee of course. PJ’s are the attire of choice. This is going to be great! I can already smell the great aroma’s.
Routing for Mizzou myself. UCONN bumped off my Boiler’s!

Ok one big pj bakin’ party Hotdog henry! :flower

Nope no TP was gonna have LaLagay use my condo kitchen but after second thought I think Rob is right one big bacon pastry pj bakin party… man that was hard to say…

What do you think LaLagay? It could test your skills to the fullest that’s for sure. If it prooves to be too challenging we always have my regular oven…

Can we have some good foot stompin’ morning get yer mojo workin’ kinda music to bake by??? hu :hop hu :hop can we :hop can we :hop :sunshine

:wave I’d probably be arrested on my way to your condo if I came in my" PJs"… :lol :lol :lol

Maybe I should put some clothes on first.

Shut Up Ron


Nope…serving bacon and fancy French pastries…not weiners. :lol

Shut up Ron! :evil

Damn 3 SURS!!
Ok so yes we own No Pjs !
and we dont have wire whips …Soooooooo Phhhhffffffttttttt!

but I will make a Tie Dye unisuit, at the tye die party, just to wear at breakfast

Woooooohoooooooo !!!
I am sooo up for the big bacon pastry pj bakin party!!! No matter where it happens, it’s gonna be awesome :cheers
Landshark, you & me provide the ingredients
UselessJo provides the ustensils (plus vanilla & almond essence…any orange flower water by any chance?!?)
Jailhouse Rob provides the bacon and the oven if we’re not at the condo
We now need to organise the pickin party for the good foot stompin’ morning get yer mojo workin’ kinda music…
And everyone else: you get to provide YOUR OWN PJ’s!!! We won’t be doing that for you, and your birthday suit won’t be acceptable I’m sorry to say…
I’ll start to make a list of ingredients…

I will be in my PJ’s and at the oven of yer choice LaLagay ready and eager to learn and assist!!!

Got my mo jo workin,got my mojo workin… :dance :dance

Pastries and Bacon, that’s how we build champions… :lol :medal

[ Camp coffee of course.

Camp Coffee??? Why?? When you know we can have WONDERFUl Unseen Bean Coffee…

lalagay, when you get your menu together let me know exactly what equipment and spices you need us to bring for you. We will bring the Vanilla and Almond extract but sadly its a no on the Orange flower water. :frowning:

I take it that means it would be unacceptable to show up in someone else’s PJ’s too?

Long as they are not mine… That would be scary


No Adam, that’s fine, you can wear whoever’s PJ’s you choose, as long as they qualify as PJ’s :slight_smile:
If you have to randomly pull on whatever you find at the bottom of your tent in the morning and turn up looking like my great aunt Barbara on a bad hair day, that’s fine :lol :lol :lol
What I meant by provide you own PJ’s was: come suitably garmented to avoid disqualification for indecent exposure… :cheers

:flower Some of us could qualify for indecent exposure, even when covered head to toe by Aunt Gertrude’s flannel nighty.

I’m still looking for my special jammies with the foot socks attached.

and Rest assured you want Ron covered in something like a large union suit, covered by a bathrobe or similar garment. We don’t want the black bears mistaking him for a cub.

and what does this all have to do with food anyway? SUR


Who Cares! It’s FUN in Your PJ’s! :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

I didn’t know you were ever in his PJ’s. :evil

I just got this joke, no shes not slow :lol :lol :lol :lol

that’s for sure. I think I could live in my jams…
I thought we were going to bake in the A.M. :flower

:flower feelin free, feelin like me…