Fate of the Fest

and Hartford Fest just rescheduled. Boy oh boy, times are tough.

I just had a FANTASTIC experience that I wanted to pass along.

Every year I head to Spring Training baseball with several friends. I do all the arrangements, from game tickets to car rentals. When major League Baseball cancelled the remaining games, I knew there would be no problem with tickets refunds, nor car rentals, nor Southwest Airlines. But I was VERY concerned about the hotel rooms.

I had booked about 20 room/nights on Priceline, but using the lower priced rooms that “CANNOT BE CANCELLED”. Oh crap. Yep, I DID buy those rooms knowing that I could not cancel. I was sure I was about to lose a few thousand dollars.

I knew that a call to Priceline would be worthless. So I nearly fell over when they refunded my money 100%. They asked me for my reason to cancel, I said the magic word: Coronavirus. IMMEDIATELY they were in the mood to refund!

If a large company like Priceline is willing to refund thousands of dollars to someone who contracted with them for non-refundable rooms, I think there surely won’t be any problem win tickets, condos and trasportation refunds for Festivarians.

I’m hoping that we will get the “GO” on this year’s TBF, but more importantly, I’m hoping that all of you stay safe!!!

That’s a positive story! Stay safe festy family. X

:wave April 17th is when we may know more about Fest.
Colorado is on lock down till then starting today.
Not sure what PBG will do but I have faith they will do what is best :medal

But for now breath deep and relax, stay healthy and remember hippie Mary loves you :flower


There’s post all over Facebook saying TBF is for real cancelled, nothing about postponement. :frowning:

frustrating. some of those folks dont know the difference between postponing and cancelling. they seem real eager to stir up folks emotions. i’ve ruled June out and i’m not optimistic at all for later fall dates, however I will wait for the word from PB.

Well Hooch is a very reliable source, and surprisingly intelligent. He knows the difference between “Canceled” and postponed He stated it is Canceled!

true dat

I have not seen anything official. I’m going off of what AJ (and others with connections) have posted and other non-official channels. AJ is well connected in the festival world. Never listen to me!!



Beautiful phrasing. Ambiguous compliments are the best compliments of all. :cheers

I emailed Planet Bluegrass last night to express my concern and they wrote me back and will announce their decision in a week or so.

I sure hope our tickets are good for 2021.

Agreed. If it would help keep PB running, they can keep our ticket money as long as they are good for next year.

Very sad about John Prine.

And a Happy Passover to all who may be celebrating in solitude tonight.

I see that Blue Ox Music Festival in WI is rescheduled to August 27-29, and this is the same weekend that people were saying TBF was looking to reschedule to. Lots of artists were booked for both prior to the reschedule.

That weekend seemed to be ruled out by town council/planet bluegrass after last weeks town council meeting. Craig said they were looking at sept/oct dates to attempt to reschedule. gotta be tough trying to manage all of this rescheduling. tip my hat to everyone working on an alternate solution.

Read a beautiful post from Tim O’Brien this morning on social media. In it, he mentioned Telluride as a cancel. I would think the artists would know. I’m already planning on the next gathering - whether it’s this year or next. What a tough year. I just want everyone to be healthy. We’re losing too many people. Sounds like an announcement is coming soon from PB.

I thought there was going to be an announcement today.???

The loss will be felt on many fronts. The Town will miss the sales taxes and general fun (at least for most). Planet Bluegrass will suffer all of the ongoing expenses of managing the fest without income. The festivarians will will miss the experience of community and great tunes that offer renewal and joy. A perhaps worse, many, many world class musicians will suffer through an industry that has become reliant on musicians touring to survive.

Lots of people to send blessings to. I am going to keep buying music from musicians websites as long as possible.

Well said!