Fate of the Fest

Tom Hanks & Rita a Wilson just tested positive after arriving in Australia. Man, the lack of testing in US is hard to understand.

Be safe everyone. :heart::heart:

You were right, all your new cases are coming from the US. Have room for a few more? There are some folks in office here that we may want to send down your way.
Stay safe and see you in June. :cheers

We don’t want em!

See you in June ( I hope), wash your hands.

Ps if using sanitiser don’t forget the tips of your fingers.

Much love to everyone :blue_heart::green_heart:

Agreed. Many hugs back to you! :flower

Guess this means it’s birthday suits for freebox fashion show? :lol


Our big music festival was cancelled today. No Greensky, Brandi Carlisle, Dave Mathews, Patti Smith, crowded House, Lenny Kravitz, Alanis Morisette, Buffy St Marie, plus many many many more

Dang Australia really is getting screwed I am sorry for the musical loss. I hope that this all clears up and the artists reschedule trips to come see yall. I am sure everyone down there is needing an escape from reality that only a festival can bring.

Fingers crossed this all clears up quickly.
"In her 2008 book End of Days, Browne (who died in 2013) predicted that 'In around [sic] 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.” One of Sylvia Browne’s prophecies.

Stay safe everyone!

Thanks for kind words!

Um, I wouldn’t place too much weight on the book quoted above. She wrote it just after the SARS outbreak ( which is the same type of symptoms). SARS was contained well so it miraculously “ disappeared”. I think it’s more likely she was basing her “ prediction” on something that had just taken place.

It’s the science, not a conspiracy.

Stay safe everyone, love each other. Music will keep us afloat :blue_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::green_heart:

No weight, actually the inverse of weight, just positive vibes for those who choose to partake in them.

Thats cool that you think that…I haven’t even thought about it at all. It just brings positive energy to my life in a negative time. It would be quite the “prediction” if the future played out the way Browne envisions it… the science and history points to that possibility, generally pandemics viruses do return for a second helping. Generally the second time around they are more deadly, but less contagious.

Schools cancelled here, so I have two weeks PTO…hopefully we will be able to return to classes after that. Luckilly the county cancelled so it doesn’t seem like we will have to make up those days in the summer.

Phew! I would not want to miss this years fest! The lineup is made from my dreams.

As events continue to unfold, we are trying to stay positive. But the chances that the festival may be postponed or cancelled continue to increase. Moving it back, to later in the summer or early fall will come with plenty of logistical issues with PB, the town, and the artists. But a cancellation also comes with its own issues. Thinking, that with plenty of lead time, PB could probably rebook most of the artists from this year to come back in 2021.But my question is this. If the festival is cancelled, do we refund all the tickets, or should PB keep the money and honour them for 2021? My argument is this, a massive refund could affect the vitality of PB. if money runs out, there may be layoffs or worse. Some of the artists may have already been paid. I, for one, would be happy to let PB keep my ticket money if it helps them and if my ticket will be good for next year. How do others feel?

I love this idea and I love the intention. Would want to be really sure monies ended up with artists first, and PB.

I would be happy to do that

<<As events continue to unfold, we are trying to stay positive. But the chances that the festival may be postponed or cancelled continue to increase. Moving it back, to later in the summer or early fall will come with plenty of logistical issues with PB, the town, and the artists. But a cancellation also comes with its own issues. Thinking, that with plenty of lead time, PB could probably rebook most of the artists from this year to come back in 2021.But my question is this. If the festival is cancelled, do we refund all the tickets, or should PB keep the money and honour them for 2021? My argument is this, a massive refund could affect the vitality of PB. if money runs out, there may be layoffs or worse. Some of the artists may have already been paid. I, for one, would be happy to let PB keep my ticket money if it helps them and if my ticket will be good for next year. How do others feel?>>

We’d be good with that.

:wave 2 months I just heard em say it on the News. 2 months and we can come out of the hole. THAT IS EXCELLENT!
Plant a garden, sing a tune, wash the dog and soon…

I am a champ at dealing with stress. Turn your TV off and think of a river and a waterfall and music drifting in the wind. I love you stay healthy.


The way it sounds now, we may have seen the worst and the fog may be cleared by June. I think changing the date of the festival would be nearly impossible, for both PB and ticket holders. I don’t even like to think about the option of cancelling TBF, but if so I would prefer my ticket be good for next year same line-up or not. Monica had to go to work today. But Addison started spring break today. So we havent been anywhere but home and the grocery store since Thursday. Had three concerts, and one festival cancelled. Local bands are streaming jams via social media and thats fun. Even taking wild requests. I asked for the Cantina song from Star Wars (we were supposed to see the symphony perform Star Wars live with the movie, cancelled). Two months of this family isolation is going to be rough, if school is cancelled things will be crazy. At least its been getting warm, and Morel season is now beginning here. Cheers everyone, hope your fully stocked with Booze. Hooch can you send out some Crunchy Frog care packs. Air drop them by drone.

What are the chances the fest gets postponed and not cancelled do ya’ll think?

I would prefer a refund, unfortunately. Or $ to go towards the same ticket for next year, which is what some other festivals are doing. Would love to help out Planet Bluegrass and I definitely want to see them thriving and not hurt financially over this. But the shutdowns have impacted my small business, hard. And I’m self-employed. I’m worried about paying bills for the next few months.

We have most definitely not seen the worst. The U.S. has only just started ramping up its testing ability and social distancing. The numbers are going to go up substantially in the coming weeks.

I agree

Yeah, not even close. The Sober Math Everyone Must Understand about the Pandemic | by Jason S Warner | Medium

I think we all know that Bluegrass will not happen in June. For myself, SXSW, Old Settlers and New Orleans Jazz Festival have all been cancel. This virus will still be with us in June and beyond. The town of Telluride will not want 12,000 people coming from all over the country and world to their small town. Maybe they will postponed until the Fall. If not, see you in 2021.