ABGAT Command Center

:wave Thanks Lara…

I40 is clear and open from Bartsow to the New Mexico border


Construction update:

Highway 550 south of Montrose (between Colona and Ridgway). About 5 miles of one lane while they do paving.
Delay could be a half hour or more.

We’re pulling out in about an hour or so… We may arrive in the wee morning unless we stop… Anyway, see you in the am

The Kaptain Karlos of Runamuck
has the truck packed to the brim and should be picking me
up shortly, hopefully none of my luggage had to walk the plank…
We should be hitting the road in an hour and in telluride in about 22 hours!!! :flower

Safe travels to all
Ive heard from Rick and Kerri
they are there !

:wave It’s 11pm pacific on thursday… I’m packed and ready.

Shower, try to sleep, rise and shine in 5 and a half hours, pick up Hal from Australia in the city, and drive to Flagstaff…

We’ll see you all in Town park mid afternoon saturday :hop

I CAN GO NOW :sunshine


are you doing Stll up !!!
get your Arse to bed
Safe Travels my Brother !!!

I will call you midday

I can’t sleep… too keyed up and this crazy mexican keeps sending messgaes.

NOW :hop NOW :hop NOW :hop NOW :hop NOW :hop NOW :hop NOW :hop NOW :hop

For real this time - I 'm shutting this machine down, drinking a shot of irish whiskey to put me to sleep.

I’ll burn the sage in the morning - - - Thanks Deb

:flower :flower :flower :flower :flower :flower :flower :flower :flower :flower :flower

Love bro Sleep Well !

1:09 AM Friday in Colorado. The trailer and truck are loaded up finally…Suffering from severe TMS (Too Much Shit). Just when I had it all under control, we were afflicted with acute LBS (Little Bags of Shit). I expect that to persist until we hit the road, or we run out of nooks and crannies to cram it into.

Want to arrive before 5:00, so we need to probably be on the road in 7 hours…travel is slow with the younguns. Must sleep…but first gotta get the laptop packed up…a new Town Park Accessory! :lol

Safe travels all…I’ll see you back at home.


be Safe My Brother !
you are the One reason
Im really sad We arnt gonna be there
we both have had a long road
and you are a Better man
than I am … But My Day
is coming …

Billy Ray is Alive in all of us !
Sorry I got a bit emotional there
Be Safe … embrace the Family for me/us


You touch me brother. But the only man I’m better than is the man I used to be.

Peace and much Love,

But after years of hugging
I want to hug you
you guys have fun !
see ya next year !!!

This is a beautiful quote :medal

Bevin just Left with a load of Green Chilies
for Rhonny , Jerry and his self
he isnt as loaded as i would be so look for him around
5 or 6 pm

My sentiments exactly… I am sooo proud to call myself part of this family, newbie or not!!
~~ LOVIN YOU ALL!!! ~~

How 'bout a last minute weather report update??

It seems that is was cold last night - - 32 or so???

Supposed to be 37 tonight? BRRRRRRRRR!

Long range outlook has it warming up - highs in the 78 range and lows in the low 50’s/high 40’s.



Garsh! That’s Chilly! Said the Goofy! :huh

9:16 Pm Mtn
It has Started …all the historical camps are in line for the Rush
There is some Major Festivating going on
Hippie is due in the morning
Boulder Dave is due tonight
Kenny and Carolyn Due 6 pm Tomarrow
Love you guys !!!

come in command center…command center…do you copy?

The remaining members of team bluegrass are heading out in the AM.

Early scouting reports from the front lines of the production infantry is that everything is functioning smoothly.

Final deployment of remaining units due at 0800.

Here we go…:abduct
