ABGAT Command Center

Greeting Festivarians
Ive heard from Ed and Sabine they are in Telluride
and will be camping tonight at Sunshine Campground
Tom and the rest of the Crew will AOAA
All Out Air Assuilt around the Noon Hr
If you need a message passed on I will do my best to do so
most of you have my phone number If you need it PM me
Peace and Safe Travels !!

Ron, I have this flic in my head of you sitting in the “command center” with maps& pins and little flags just keeping it all together! you ROCK my brother. it looks like I have the best chance of getting to Wander in first. I will do my best to do you proud!

well my brother
since you have been here …
I am Rocking this !

Roger That, Command Center (stop)

Estimated Launch Time: 12, June - Early A.M. (stop)

Will call upon Touch Down in Town Park (stop)

Over & Out: Auntie Hope (stop)

We’re packed and ready to roll! :thumbsup
I’ll be away from the forum for a couple/three days. :eek

See you all in Town Park. :flower

The Western Weekend celebration is over… I made it through another year! 6 bands, a parade float, chicken bbq, silent auction, and parade broadcast. IT"S OVER !!!

Now I can begin focusing a little bit on ABGAT.

If we can just get this darn 10kw grid tie solar array on line at the office.

Now where did I stash those propane tanks :huh :huh :huh

Rn’s wedding n the Hippie show tonight :thumbsup


The Kaptain spent the day yesterday scrubbing Runamuck Tarps
I sewed the Beer Tent and patched it too for good luck,
We are close,
Soooo close…


News from Camp Billy…stop.
Daniel went to Jazzfest, secured the Arizona Bowl…stop.
Awaiting news on our riverfront property…stop.
We’re loading the trailer…leaving Friday morning!

~Jeff, Tessa Jacy and Jaco

Wait a minute… am I understanding this correctly? Is this Jeff? As in Jeff Stampes? Does this mean that you’re returning to TBF Jeff? WOW… that’s awesome news! You’ve been gone so long you probably don’t even remember me!

Welcome home sir… We’re Hucking Fappy that you’re returning! Which is better than being Nucking Futs, right?

xoxo Rhonny

P.S. You simply can’t sit there with a “zero” festivation rating… in your time, you have put a good number of the people on this board to shame (myself included)… just in smiles alone! I’ll now spend the next hour applauding you!

Note: OK… my little monkey paws are blistered from all that clapping… but I’m sure that others will applaud as well!

heya Jeff and Tess!
Im sitting in the command center with the telluride web cam feed, KOTO Jamming
crusing the forum …man do i have it bad !

155pm mst
The Mayor and The ABGAT crew has landed safely in Town Park
Just got off the phone with Tom they are all waiting in line to get into the Office
and pay for thier Sites
more later
:cheers :cheers

Thanks for the updates! You rock! Coordinating AOAA and ABGAT when you’re not even gonna be there is real helpful of ya!

Looking forward to a week’s worth of updated prior to my Friday the 13th departure

345pm mst
Latest update from Mayor Tom
All Historical Camps are accounted for
Camp Billy
Well Done Kids !!

All historical camps outside the Primitive Area and the Bear Creek Preserve, that is…

yeah what he said
Thanks Bevin !


Awww heck Rhonny, of course I remember you, and you’re gonna embarass me. Well…about as well as I remember anyone and anything Yeah, it’s time to get myself back home, to my Town Park Family where I belong. It’s been too many years, and I’ve missed you all so much!

Yup, we’ll be back in our Canvas Condo down by the bend in the river, so you can all come potluck on our front porch again…be on your best behavior :lol

Peace & Smiles,
Secretary of Sobiety

So Jeff…

What is Sobiety? I think I nannered something similar one time when I tried to convince a friend that I wasn’t as think as they drunk I was… “I’m the bes xample of sobiety!!”

Not making light though Jeff… I’m glad your feeling stronger and able to return home!

xoxo Rhonny

:lol Make light all you want though Rhonny…to each their own, as long as each is at peace with themself.

Seeya in the fashion show! (Rocky we miss you!)


Ok Kids this just in from Town Park
WIFI is up and running. Kenny and Gov A to the J
have posted to the Forum from there campsites
take your Web Cams !!

Can we get a weather report from on site?
How cold is it getting at night?