ABGAT Command Center

So I heard it wasn’t as cold as they thought it was going to be, this coming from the husband that wears shorts year round. So not sure how reliable that is.

The weather report I read said it is going down to 29 tonight. I want to see him in his shorts in that!! Brrrrrrrrr

The weather is stunning. Yesterday I did the magical drive from Pagosa to Telluride via Silverton, Ouray and of course a soak at Orvis. It’s pretty warm during the day and quite chilly at night. Probably in the 20’s. But how delicious to pull up, set up a tent, shake up a martini and go play music…then finally crawl into a nice warm sleepy bag.

And just think there are 12 more nights of this to come!!!

Awww, it is like I’m there, well sort of, not really, but I am drinking Momosas early in the morning when I should be packing, etc!!!
Sending a big hug to all you ABGATers, see ya soooon!

Thanks for the report Jess
give me a call
hell all of yall can call me
505 710 2466
Im in the middle of packing hell
I had Koto cranked but switching to Sam

20’s just figures, the hubby said maybe low 40’s. He is camped on the point, where Kit was last year. stop by I’m sure he will be wearing his shorts, well I take that back after rumballs he may be wearing less then that. Oh wait it’s me who loses clothes. Darn trying to be more professional these days. Wish I was there now.

Speaking of Kit are they there yet ?

Ok Abgaters we know you got wifi up there
lets see some pics!!!
Im dying here …lol
I will start a new topic under Pictures
Load it up !

abgat control this Montana checking in, just recieved confirmation, the first wave of the Montana contingent wi’ll depart Missoula at exactly 1500 tomorrow! :flight :drive :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop

Copy ETD
safe travels
no :cheers and :drive

I am in my tent emailing…who knew??? :eek

Just got back from Smugglers…I didn’t mean to get intoxicated, :cheers it just accidently happened. :lol Had to do something since Dwayne isn’t here to fix me a fruity rum drink :frowning:

But here is pictorial evidence that it is time to get out here!

Bless you Goddess Jess!!!
intoxicated in telluride
say it isnt so !!
much Love

Jess? You’re in your tent emailing? Does this mean we have wireless in Town Park now? Oh Lordy! My life just got a LOT easier!

xoxo Rhonny

Yes Rhonny Wifi in the campground !

SO happy about the WiFi!!!


pretty cool stuff Huh !

Heh. Well, I’m drinking that fruity rum drink for you - cuz :thumbsup I’m on vacation, I’m on vacation!! :thumbsup (imagine me singing that song…) But Smugglers is a great option - yum! :cheers

Can’t wait to get there…


Have one for me !!

:pipe :pipe2 :hombre :devil 10-4 :angel

Hmmm I read smilelys !