What do you want for Breakfast on a pre TBF Morning?

maple bacon cinnamon rolls…

I will totally volunteer to make these if I can use the Jailhouse Boy’s oven!!!

I’ll give you permission to use their oven…LOL


Hooch, do you recall that HUGE box that Billy Beru lugged from Boulder to Pagosa for me? Well, it’s an OVEN! Still in the box, but I’m sure you can use it! I haven’t looked at the recipe yet.
I did make the bacon chocolate chip cookies from an earlier recipe (like a year or 2 ago) and they were good but I’d rather just have regular chocolate chip cookies and the bacon on the side. It was a pain to fry the bacon and then have to make bacon bits for the cookies, and you couldn’t taste it that much. Although, the maple glaze Deb mentions sounds good.

Yum, I just looked at the recipe! Sounds pretty good. The oven I got is just like Erndog’s oven, so it just needs to have a big enough table to sit on.

Awesome!!! I’m pretty sure we can get a table. Okay, the plan is definitely a go! Can we leave right now???