What do you want for Breakfast on a pre TBF Morning?

:wave Ok Dustin - :evil you asked for it… :lol :lol :lol


Love the choices, Mr. Hippie! :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Hey, what happened to pot luck breakfast? :huh
Thought it pot luck or breakfast burritos? :thumbsup

Opps, my bad. It’s southwestern and pot luck combined. Duh!
:lol :lol :lol :lol

That would work great. :thumbsup

Hey Hippie! I did not see “Obscene Pile of Bacon” as one of the options. What’s up with that?

If it means we can go this year, I would even eat…fake bacon! AAAHHHH! :eek :eek :eek :eek

Ok If we are doing SouthWesten …Im Bringing the Heat !
:evil :cheers :evil

Seems to be going that way, and I like it. :thumbsup A little change for the breakfast this year!
I like the Heat! Bring it on, Ron.
Bloody Mary’s go very well with a good breakfast burrito smothered in HOT green chili! :devil

Just be sure to label it accordingly…

Some like it HOT… some don’t. :wink:

how about “biscuits and gravy” with lots of bacon That’s a bluegrass breakfast.

Fruit Bouquet+ Vanilla yogart, chopped dates, granola, grapes, banana served with a muffin. Yummy. Healthy and NO COOKIN!

Not that you guys need my 2 cents. :flower

And I thought your NYR was not as many posts! Not that I don’t Love the great wit!
Didn’t think that was a realistic NYR anyway. The forum is way too much fun!

sweet and not fattening :flower Actually, I will be removing myself soon in a few… not an empty promise.

Don’t Do It!!! :slight_smile:

Okay…this link is about BREAKFAST. My favorite meal of the day! BECAUSE…Wait…
IT INCLUDES BACON! :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
So…marching forward… the pot luck…wrap your own southwest burrito breakfast seems to be moving forward…not a bad plan and easier for all to contribute AND a part of this part of the country for them visiting folks to get some real Southwest flavor…just get their morning started out on the right foot! :thumbsup
If the heats to hot…get out of the kitchen! :evil

OK We are Bringing Bacon , Green Chillie , and a Very Special …Suace !

OK Ron, will the b’fst Burritos be red, green, or christmas? I always say Christmas.

I’m a huge fan of a breakfast Maharajah and Guiness Banana Pancakes

OK you got my attention. What is this breakfast of champions made of?

Love Guiness…but in pancakes? :huh Probably wouldn’t be as bad as the blood sausages! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
Scared to ask about the other part! :eek :thumbsup :thumbsup

I’d like to have my hot and spicy breakfast in bed, thank you. :evil