What do you want for Breakfast on a pre TBF Morning?

Um…Hey! Where’s the Strawberry Waffles with whipped cream and lots of bacon choice??? :huh

just where should we take this thread :huh

… Wait for it…


To bed?

Agree, Tom. :thumbsup
Looks like a southwestern theme pot luck breakfast.
Will start a thread as we get closer to list who is bringing what, so we get an even amount of all the major food groups!
Sure alot of folks will pitch in for a good breakfast and bloody marys on Monday!

Christmas !


What’s wrong with this damn poll? :swearing

I tried to click on the booze option :cheers and a food option and it wouldn’t let me!!!

Why are these things mutally exclusive??? :huh

Camp Flamingo will bring a BIG POT OF PINTO BEANS.

:wave Beans are always good Michelle… If Dustin will figure out a way for us to have :quote multiple :quote choices on this quiz - Let’s do it.

I vote for Strawberry waffles in bed with ************ Fresh squeezed Mimosas are mandatory.


Ummmmm…Nutrisystems! hahahaha :wave

:lol :lol :medal :lol :lol

What else will be fresh to squeeze in bed? :evil

Now Jerry, you started this poll, so are you talking about each morning, or Monday morning only? I know Rob wants to do some big thing at the jailhouse, so is that what you are talking about?

ll be Fresh in Bed …maybe a bit Smelly …


and sticky.

eggs, bacon, tortillas, mimosas :thumbsup

How about we do a chili cook-off on Tuesday right after the beer tasting event, and then use the leftovers for a potluck breakfast burrito bar on Wednesday to coincide with the Bloody Mary’s? :thumbsup

Thought we had decided that Bloody’s were Monday this year?

Did we? I guess I forgot about that discussion.

Hey Tom, when are you publishing the official schedule of events??

Soon! That’s why I brought this subject back up. :flower
Now I need to know if we’re gonna do any of the new things I mentioned, and when.
Is it Monday now for Bloody’s??? What other event will go along with it?

I can do whatever day but would prefer Monday since it’s not so hectic…

TT, Call me!