Town Park Wed 6-16

We’ll be getting to Town Park Wed 6-16. Will we be able to camp then ? Our tickets are for the festival days. Can one pay to camp Wednesday night ?

Enquiring minds want to know… :wave

the campground opens on the 12th, so you’ll be arriving to a party.

Don’t sweat it. Come earlier if you can.



If you’ve got Town Park passes you’re pretty much set. Just finding a spot to put up your tent may be shakey. If you have camping passes elsewhere you’re still in the same boat, but if you don’t have camping passes it’s gonna be tough. It will all work out with a little help from fellow festivarians. :flower

I’ve got 4 day passes. I just need a spot for our 2 tents, a castle and a pup.

errrrr what ???

If you don’t have Planet Bluegrass camping passes you may want to check this thread. :eek

I have Planet Bluegrass Town Park passes.

thought you looked familer?
whats up bro ?

6/16 your screwed and tattooed !

It’s good you got Town Park passes, but the pup will have to stay elsewhere.
No dogs except service dogs, sorry.

…waitin’ patiently to see this alleged ‘castle’ :thumbsup

and we thought Run-a-Muck threw a big camp, huh?


Here’s some places to check on taking care of your pooch:

Telluride, CO 81435
(970) 864-7626

Double Diamond Kennels
23661 Horsefly Rd
Montrose, CO 81401
(970) 249-3067

Montrose Veterinary Clinic
2260 S Townsend Ave
Montrose, CO 81401
(970) 249-5469

Redclyffe Kennels
16793 Chipeta Rd
Montrose, CO 81401
(970) 249-6395

San Juan Veterinary Clinic LLC
822 Spring Creek Rd
Montrose, CO 81401
(970) 249-4490

Doggone Purrrfect Pet Sitting
P.O. Box 594
Norwood, CO 81423
(970) 327-0260

Doggie Playtime
Grand Junction, CO 81506
(970) 201-0367

Sorry, I didn’t mean a pooch, I meant a big tent and a small tent. Us in the “castle” and the (big) kids in the small tent… :slight_smile:

From the sounds of it we’ll find a spot somewhere…

Thanks for all the responses. :medal

Pup Tent, Tom… not a dog. :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

My bad… when he said two tents a castle and a pup I wasn’t thinking of another “small” tent. :lol

It made for a great laugh, Tom!
Thanks for that!


Sorry about the tent\pup confusion. I speak Ingrish now. :slight_smile: We are really looking forward to not only the festival but putting some faces to the communications here.

The “castle” is probably 10’ by 20’ and the pup about 7’ by 5’

I’m sure this will be a much needed diversion from one dream to another :festival

What they are trying to tell you is: Your festival tickets with Town Park camping will allow you to camp in town park from Saturday the 12th, through about noon on Monday the 21st when all campers must vacate, unless you are staying at which time you would then have to be in a designated campsite and pay the nightly fee.
That whole week is covered with your TP tickets.
Have fun and we’ll look for your castle! :welcome

Thanks, Cindy Lou. My main concern was a space since I hear varying things. I have faith I’ll find somewhere to pitch my tent. I’d bring a smaller one but I don’t have one.

I look forward to the Festival.