Town Park Wed 6-16

aarf aaarf


RAAR, arf, eeekkk

I would hate to see your faith utterly destroyed. A 10X20 tentable spot magically appearing 6/16 would be quite a trick.
You should arrange something with someone somewhere. Just sayin… :flower

hello to all

I really needed a good laugh, been kinda bummed,
still not sure if I will make it this year
if so, probably without alywally…

reading this thread was great, you are all the best
thanks for all that you do
aarf and oooooooooowwwwwwwwwww

I’m heart broken reading this. Hope you at least make it and we can call Alywally and tell her how much we’re missing her! :flower

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

thank you auntie hope
now i’ve had a good laugh and a good cry
both good medicines I suppose
still hoping for a last minute miracle with Aly
but have accepted my lone wolf status once again…
Looking like I’ll make the journey again and will try to find
a TP ticket once I’m there, probably by Saturday or Sunday

Happy trails and safe travels to all…