Town Park virgin? Get your answers here!

Monday, deep in the primitive, there’s probably some space. You might make a separate post about families in TP and look for others who might get there before you and save the required space. But like Lucas said, there will be lots of options on Monday morning, but no primo spots, and you might have to creatively squeeze in. If Pagosa doesn’t have music Sunday night you might consider coming Sunday, and surely have many more options.

Of the Town Park area, Primitive fills up the last and is generally quieter (as long as you camp away from Cat Fact Corner haha). I remember walking around there in 2019 (the last ‘real’ fest) on Monday (for Todd’s infamous fish fry) and there were a couple of spots for a setup of your size (full sun). Be mindful that getting your stuff back to Primitive will be much more of a haul over uneven terrain than Warner.

Thanks so much!! Happy festival! :slight_smile:

Hello from Wisconsin! The calendar officially showed 60 days out this am— we are so excited! My wife and I are returning this year with our 4 year old. Our last visit was 2018 and during that trip and previous we never ventured toward the back of the concert grounds aside from using the restroom or picking up merch so the set-up and logistics isn’t as familiar as the planning and strategy for tarping near the stage.

Two quick questions and apologies if someone else has asked and answered previously—- (1) We have a Kelty Sunshade we use for summer festivals around here and we’re curious if that’s okay to bring or not. At the center it’s 7 ft tall and interior is 78 sq ft. (2) The other question is whether there are two tarp lines or one (and if a second line where is it?) and if both are a lottery system?

Thanks for any help/insights!


Yes, shade shelters are allowed in designated areas (toward the back). Keltys are slightly controversial because they’re not see through (unlike a 10x10 EZ Up as an example) but there are tons of them at the fest so you’ll be fine. Just be mindful of where you set it up and try not to hog a sightline if possible.

Go here for full detail on the line policy

Hey Festy Friends!
This year our crew is planning to post up a flag at camp (maybe) but definitely while inside the festival. What are some recommendations for flag poles? There’s no need to be the tallest by any means, but certainly tall enough not to impede on anyone’s view. What do folks use for wind, stability, durability, etc. Obviously dont want the pole falling down :swearing I have a feeling most are homemade, in which case I’ll get to planning.

Thanks for the recs! (if I missed the page where this is discussed, point me in the direction - I’ll check it out!)

See you soon! :butterfly :clap

If you use the search function, there’s been a handful of elaborate posts on the flag topic. Seems like in 2019 or 2018 there was a large discussion on flag poles.

Town Park virgin with a question here!

This may be really silly.
How careful do we need to be about bears?
I’m used to camping in the backcountry where I hang my food (which I’m guessing is not the protocol for bluegrass…).

I’m bringing a bear-proof cooler, but my non-cooler foods won’t really have a bear proof home. Along with other smellables.

Do I need to be concerned, or is the thought process that the late night banjo music along with all of us will keep them away?!

There are so many smart-ass answers to this (that I’ll suppress). The real answer is this:

While it’s always a possibility, however remote, it’s extremely unlikely that a bear would risk coming into an area as densely populated with people as Town Park will be once folks start to arrive. Only in times of extreme drought or desperation would a bear do something like that. Your cooler is far more vulnerable to local kids or late night partiers with the munchies. Once, we had uncooked flour tortillas in our cooler and found one with a bite taken out of it early the next morning. No one ever asked us why we had such disgusting food in our cooler.

Anyway- be far more prepped for hydration, sunburn, mosquitoes, temperature extremes, etc.

Just in case, you always want to make sure that you can run faster than someone near you :wink:

Ha ha great info! Thank you so much for this. One less thing to worry about. And, smart-ass answers are welcome, haha. I always tell my dad I don’t have to worry about bears as I can outrun him and he’ll be with me - so I’m all set! :lol

We had a bear come through our camps at Harvest Festival in 2011 or 2010. This is in Arkansas, in National Forest land away from any city or dumpsters. The bears seemed to flock there every year. Never did any real damage other than take a bit of food. They were definitely skittish of human activity, but came around late at night! Never seen a bear around T-Ride.

Thanks so much, Todd. After hiking the AT last year and having a few hungry bear encounters, I’m a bit skittish. But this info really helps me feel better!

Hello :wave We have a scamp trailer. Is Lawson the only campground we can camp at with the towable trailer? Thank you!

There isn’t any vehicle or trailer camping at lawson, tent only. There was limited RV sites near Lawson. Mary Illium with a vehicle pass allows small campers, again those are limited, and long gone at this point. Probably best to bring a tent and not use trailer.
My wife’s a uker too.

The only critter I’ve ever seen in Town Park other than the squirrels and chipmunks was having a porcupine waddle through camp late one night and he had no interest in anyone. He was just passing through. :lol

I think the level of the noise in TP keeps bears miles away. :evil

I can think of one particular critter I can count on seeing every year:

Good morning Tom! I don’t tarp run, but would still like to plant my windsock so my people can find me. What are the rules regarding flexible windsock poles? Plastic stakes, height limits? Thank you kindly! -

The only limit I’m aware of since there are underground watering systems is that the stakes must be six inches or less. As long as the windsock or flag doesn’t interfere with the audience view of the stage you’re perfectly fine. :cheers

Hi all! Question about parking - we plan to arrive on Wednesday and have Town Park camping. Once we unload our car and park it, are we able to leave during the festival and come back? Would love to get some hiking in around the area in the mornings before music starts.