Town Park Pre-Fest talk

Hey. Camp Lampshadey Grove is meeting up next weekend to plan our TBF, and have some Winter fun! If you are in the area, we plan on hitting Monarch for a day of skiing on February 16th.
We’ll be making our food, beverage and infrastructure plans, and deciding what and when we want to host a community event during Pre-Fest in TP.
I know it’s way early still, but can any folks chime in from other camps, if you know if you’ll be sticking to the traditional event days, etc… I’m sure Crawfish, Goddess, Bloody’s, Beer Share, will all happen during regular times. Trailer Smash, y’all doing Tots pre beer? Ramen post Goddess?
We’re looking at doing our Lampshadey thing Tuesday evening 5-7pm time frame. But as usual we’ll keep the lampshade making stuff at the ready all pre-fest.

If you have made a lampshade hat in the past with us, please bring it to TBF this year, don’t forget the power pack! If you have never made one with us, please stop by this year and join in the fun! Hoping we can have near 100 or more Lit Up Lampshades for Saturday’s sunset parade during Sam Bush!

Here’s the basics of what you’ll need to bring to make a lampshade hat:

  1. You need a lampshade! Find one that’s not too heavy, but big enough to fit over a round brimmed hat, like a fedora style hat.
  2. You need a snug fitting round brim hat, that fits inside your lampshade, or can be trimmed to fit.
  3. one strand of 10-20ft LED Fairy lights, must be USB power source. The kinds with remote for color changing are best!
  4. one usb power bank, lighter weight the better. This is going inside the lampshade to power the lights, so get one that isn’t too bulky or heavy! You can generally find a decent cheap one at truck stops, but Amazon has you covered too.
  5. Flair, bring whatever decorations you want to make your lampshade your own custom piece of art! We’ll have a variety of yarns, and tinsel and stuff to fancy your shade up, but there’s so many cool things you can do.

We will have glue guns, various crafting supplies, and expert advice on building your own lampshade. We always have a couple extra shades on hand if you can’t find one, but that’s first come and gone.


Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaw - y’all know I’m a planner so I’m always excited about this kinda talk - means TBF is just around the corner!

A quick recap on last years’ schedule to refresh the memory. Tuesday 5-7 should work great for your event this year! Want me to add it to the calendar for then?

Sat 6/15
* 5-8p - Crawfish Boil - Duk Tape

Sun 6/16 
* 12-2p - BBQ Lunch - Slow Dahn
* 3-6p - Goddess Walk - Duk Tape -> RaM
* 6:30-8:30p - AhMen For Rahmen - Hulaganz
* 6:30-8:30p - Festival Clothing Swap - Waterfall

Mon 6/17
* 10-12p - Bloody Mary (and Mimosas) Monday - Bath House
* 11-12p - Slow Jam Pick - Fishbone
* 12-2p - Grilled Cheese Spectacular
* 2-3p - Town Park Singer Songwriter - RaM
* 5-6p - Wings & Strings - Camp Gnome Name/Cat Fact Corner
* 9-10p - Dance Party Power Hour - Waterfall

Tuesday 6/18
* 10-12p - Tuesday Tater Tot-cos & Tot Shot Totstravaganza - Trailer Smash
* 11-12p - Slow Jam Pick - Fishbone
* 11:59-1:59p - Beer Share - Waterfall
* 4-6p - Arts/Crafts Happy Hour - Duk Tape
* 5:30-7:30p - Kickball - Warner Field
* 9p-12a - Tropical Tuesday - Camp Crossroads

Wednesday 6/19
* 8:30-10:30a Wander Wild Wacky Waffle Wednesday - Bath House
* 10:30-12:30a - TelluPride - The Herd
* 1-3p-ish - Rumballs - MASH
* 2-3p - Upslope Happy Hour - RaM
* 3-5p - Lampshades Getting Loaded - Lampshadey Grove
* 5-8p - Firstgrass - Sunset Plaza (Mountain Village)

We’re TOTally planning on doing our potato fiesta again this year. Same tot time. Same tot place.

Tagging a few folks here to confirm their events: @Hot_Sugar @Hooch @alexbarbosa42 @Crawdaddy @pksmith @Hulagan69 @Bevin @loosejello @TheLorax27 @CBoDenver @erinivy13 @jeff @StarrCruiser @Age6784 @ftb0003 @completejohn @KMurf @henfresh

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Same plan for Beer Share this year. I need to get working on the next iteration of the tweaks from last year. Everyone likes more stickers, right?


Tagging in @ToddG for Lampshadey Grove action. My very inconsiderate friend scheduled a wedding during TBF this year :sob:

lol totally did not scroll up to see the context of being tagged here

You’re not coming at all!?

Not this year unfortunately :frowning:

:-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :yellow_heart:

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We are definitely in again for doing boozy and bacony breakfast shots to accompany tot shots on Tuesday. And I believe RaM is retaining singer/songwriter for now.


Every time I read pre fest calendar I get REALLY jealous that I am not there but I will see everyone at festival and the lampshades look DOPE

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Looks good for Tropical Tuesday! Thanks Lucas!!


Always welcome to join the pre-fest activities when you make it in from the bush.

KOOZIES! Glad I bought extra. People loved them and I kept giving them to others during Pre-Fest.


Pretty sure Blair is doing these again this year!

we can write a nasty letter to you r terrible friend, or send Lliw over with his naked front shirts. ufff

Obviously, we are going to have to do something to honor @TellurideTom . I can think of a million options. Here’s some things we could contribute if needed/wanted. QWe have a large projection screen 7ftx12ft and we have a projector can do anything that’s in digital format. We also have various sound gear, PA’s, speakers, microphones etc… Tom was probably the first person I met via the Forum, and was for sure the first person I met on my first time entering TP. He knew everyone’s name, even folks he met in passing. You could see that smile shining from far away even on the cloudiest days. And those shirts, and how proud he was of all the new ones he’d be sporting. To much to unpack, I’m feeling real fortunate to have known him as long as I did!


Camp Mustache is considering doing a Green Chile stew event. If we did it, we were thinking that a late night slot might be good to let the chile take the chill off the evening. Maybe after the Dance Party? We are looking at overall costs right now so I’ll let ya know what we decide!


Ooooooooo that would be awesome! Just lemme know!