Time to pack yet?

Since Spring is here along with the warmer weather, I’m starting to feel the urge the pack… I was thinking I would start putting our winter clothes into duffles to take with us instead of putting in boxes in the storage room as I change the clothes over. Anyone one else thinking of starting to pack?LOL

I’ve got a “to purchase” list already written as well as a new tent laying in my closet waiting for June. Does that count?

Not really Hooch :wave

You need to back it up with some action. Time to begin your training regemin .

Head on down to the sporting goods store with a bottle of crunchy frog. Drink half the beverage and select a tent from the rack, Run around the store and ask all of the clerks if it is OK to camp next to them. Unpack the tent and figure out how to set it up out of the aisle that leads to the bathroom. Remember to occassionally shout FESTIVAL with gusto this will speed the process and draw other people into the erection of your possible new domocile. You might even end up turning it into a regular “camp raising”, better bring your boom box with some bluegrass turned up to 10

Remeber proper training will lead to a successful Festivarian experience when we get to altitude in June. :thumbsup

Good Morning

:cheers :cheers :cheers

I have started a pile in the corner of my room. I know that doesn’t count as packing but I won’t pack until a day or two before I leave.

:cheers :cheers :cheers

Your late…my wife and I started the moment we bought our tix in January. Not really, but we are super stoked to attend our first TBF this year!!!

Sheeesh! I started packing the moment I got home from last year’s TBF!

Karlos :horsey

You people unpack?


EGGGGG-zactly! :lol

Auntie Hope :pickin

so, those that do not unpack, do you have special festival only clothing that you leave packed all year?

I have a drawer that has my clothes that I wear just for backpacking, and after last year’s festival I added a few things to the drawer that are just for TBF :lol

Well, there are those things that one would take out from time to time, wear down to the backpackers store, the department store and the liquor store, wash and then place back into the “Telluride Storage Container”. :lol The T’ride longsleeve is back into circulation and will soon be followed by the short sleeve shirt reading…


Auntie Hope :pickin


I hope so. i am completely packed and ready. i could leave tomorrow if i had a car that would make the trip.


I have a drawer that has my clothes that I wear just for backpacking, and after last year’s festival I added a few things to the drawer that are just for TBF :lol
Umm, interesting… I may need to think about this with the grown-ups clothing…Although it may not work since we only have a “limited” amount of “winter” clothes- ie: long pants and swaethsirts, sweaters and sometimes we need them in the winter and for telluride… BUT. I could make a duffle with some of our festival shirts ( although the kids everyday wardrobe is almost 100% their tie-dyed shirts), socks underwear etc and that would be done…
I think I need someone to come oragnize me…LOL

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Courtney, where’s that picture from last year of your car being loaded with the aid of a 2 x 4? That was the BEST!!!

Auntie Hope :pickin

It’s all here:


I was so exposed and so mortified. Then when I got pulled over for speeding, the policeman asked me if I was moving!!! Just camping for two weeks. :huh


Ok, now I want to go…SOMEWHERE, ANYWHERE, out West. NOW!!

Thanks, Courtness! :flower

Great photos…brings my excitment level to a whole new level!! I’m logging off to start packing…


Keep checking that your back door can shut. Things slipped in mine and we had to use the wood between the garage door and my car, then I backed up so the “stuff” was shoved back into the car a few inches.

Really bad.

Maybe it’s time to get a trailer? You think? :wink: