The ultimate packing list

Yea I learned the ultimate lesson last year.
TX humidity for 2 months then 9 days in new chac’s in CO’s crisp air Festival dust mud beer hmm and some funk that still wont come off … well just dried my pups right up to a blistrously cracked up mess that reburst with every step…I had indeed contracted one of the 2ND worse cases of ??? you guessed it right! festi-feet… so I found myself doing the crawl but not from the good drink… and there on my hands and knees I vowed to search out the answer… After consulting much wise counsel… hhhmmm (opinions may vary on the counsel ha)
The anwser is given is … One must find foot slave.
So my quest continues.

Its blu goo till then :woohoo

:wave I am flying so what do I definitely need to pack and bring?? Tess

It’s pretty easy if you are with an established camp or have friends bringing the main gear for your camp. I’m “Going Greyhound”, am very fortunate that someone else is bringing my tent and a cot to borrow, and have it down to the following… I think…

Warm Sleeping Gear
Sleeping bag
Lightweight Down Comforter for inside the bag
Sleeping bag liner (just in case of extreme cold)

Shoes (boots, sneakers, sandals)
Clothing (12/14 Days for me)
Fleece pullover
Bathing suit
Jacket/parka/rain jacket
Chap Stick

For Camp
“Hippo Campus” Banner
Fork, knife, spoon
Favorite Mug
8 x 10 tarp (for tent footprint)
Bungi cords (just a few)

… and the backgammon board if it fits in the rolling suitcase!

If you are flying I would do a rolling bag packed right up to the 50 lb. weight max, a carry on bag and use a backpack as your purse/man bag.

You’d be SHOCKED! :eek at how much “stuff” I’ve dragged to Telluride and never used. Trying to pair down this year… I’ll let you know how it goes. :rolleyes

For the most part, if you are traveling “light”, remember to bring things to take care of YOU while you are camping at altitude in possible 90 degree hot/25 degree cold weather. Layers of clothing you can peel off when it gets warm is the best way to go!

GOOD LUCK!!! :thumbsup

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Gloves, winter hat
added to list
quarters for showers

Ooo… :eek Thanks Deb!

Are you camping or condo-camping? That would make a difference.

Oh My Goodness… I almost forgot! :eek


If the clouds block that beautiful Full Moon we’re expecting You’ll really need one!!!

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

My 90 pounds of stuff is headed west. Sure hope to rendezvous with it in 20 days in Montrose. Dang, reality is starting to set in. I am really going to Telluride… :cheers

:wave thanks y’all for all the great advice heading to Telluride soon!! Tess

Tracking my stuff.
Hickory NC
Greensboro NC
Lexington KY
Indianapolis IN
Hodgkins IL

Slowly but surely, my provisions make their way to CO.

Wow, just finished piling everything I might possibly need, on my bedroom floor. Decided I’d take a look at this list again, just to make sure that I thought of EVERYTHING. Well, I forgot QUARTERS!!! :eek See, even veterans can sometimes use a bit of packing help! :thumbsup

Am I remembering something strange or from somewhere else, but does anyone else have a memory that perhaps “new” quarters have problems?


A list of master thoughtworthy substance :medal

I highly recommend baby wipes. They are great for cleaning up quickly. And different color trash bags to tell the difference between trash and recycling.

I’m with you, mama; wet wipes are especially great for wiping off dusty feet after a trip to the green room in the middle of the night…and the list goes on from there. BUT –

I still wince remembering the trash nazi.–er, that is, recycling volunteer–at Rockygrass several years back who made a teaching point out of my having put wet wipes in the compost can. 'STOP!" <looks down his nose at me and gestures to several passers-by, who shake heads and roll eyes> “These are TRASH, NOT compost!”

Which leads to my next question: Does anyone know of a disposable wipe that IS recyclable? I saw something made of bamboo that was supposedly flushable when I was restocking my sun screen the other day, but I haven’t got the foggiest if they fit the bill.

Any suggestions? (And yeah, I know that wet rag in a ziplock trick already…I’m think a bit more upscale.)

I have found a coleman branded version at just about any camping section of the big name stores, they biodegrade in 21 days according to the packaging. And I have used another brand that looks smells and feels the same, but cannot remember the name. They are a bit larger than baby wipes, as they are meant to be a bathing alternative.

We’re nearly done packing. After strapping a few duffel bags to the roof rack, everything on the list fits in our Xterra. Here’s the updated camping pack list for 2011.

PDF Format:

Thank you everyone for the lists. Rob Lee, your list is impressive!!! I’m gonna print it out and use it.

This will be my 15th year. Can’t wait to see everyone again.

xterra’s are great vehicles…3rd world assault vehicles…if you can’t get it on the roof, add a basket to the hitch…

Rob, how great is that!