The ultimate packing list

I actually have a gorilla suit I could bring :giggle

Bring it!!

Only if you bring yours, Hooch! :wink:

I’ve got my jedi robe ready to go. That good enough?

Does that come with a mask?

Or a lightsaber? That would be pretty cool…

I’m bringing it!

I’m betting he’s got neither. Betcha he’s got a Boba Fett action figure (doll)

He has one but it’s the dye :pirate

OK I have a solution to dust control. I can control my zone, being me. A wet bandana tied around my neck, dipped in the cool river in the day and at night to cover my nose as we all kick up the dust as required. :medal A fashion statement, NOT but a cowgirls way to deal. BUCK UP! :cheers

My hubby and I have been attending concerts and festivals since the 70’s but this will be my first time at Telluride. We are so excited!! :wave We will get in Sunday night to Town Park, do you think we will be able to find a good campsite then?

I have also searched all the posts and can’t find a minimalist’s packing list! We are flying in and I own everything under the sun for camping but I do not want to bring it all, nor can I on the flight. I also recently had an unplanned hysterectomy (2 weeks ago) and carrying too much will be an issue. I was not sure if there are golf carts to help if you are not physically capable? I understand what I need to bring for basic camping (I have camped many times out west), but what would be helpful to have specifically for this festival? I also saw the walkie talkies on the Ultimate list is that because the cell traffic is so heavy?

Also I was really planning on buying food vs packing it in. Are there healthy options with the festival fare? i.e. Paleo and gluten free?

Plenty of healthy options in the festival and in the town.

I’m not sure why walkie talkies were put on the list. I’ve never had a problem with using my cellphone in town. Outside of town you might have a hard time finding service, though.

No golf carts to help unload, but ask around. Someone will be willing to lend a hand. Many camps have wagons they’d be happy to lend you to help with the load in.

If you’re planning on buying your food instead of cooking it, you can leave most of the kitchen gear at home. It is always useful to have dishes with you, though. Especially a reusable cup for events like Tropical Tuesday.

Where are you flying into? I’d recommend stopping in one of the towns (Montrose, Grand Junction . . .) and buying a few items, such as chairs, a cooler for beer and a sunshade should you desire one. When you’re done, you can always leave them in the free box in town or just offer them to your neighbors. If you don’t want to deal with bringing your own shade, there will be plenty of people willing to share their shade.

The temperature goes from pretty hot to really cold rather fast. So be prepared for that. Also make sure you’re prepared for all kinds of weather: sun, rain, snow, hail, sleet, it can all happen during the week.

Sunday is still early, so you’ll easily be able to find a good spot. Just ask around to make sure you’re not about to set up camp in a pathway or in someone’s living room and you’ll find a great spot, no problem.

Thanks for the great tips Hot Sugar! Yeah I thought about buying chairs and a cooler on my way in. We fly into ABQ. That was the most direct and reasonable from Birmingham.

I’m not familiar with the route from ABQ, but I’m sure one of the many New Mexico festivarians can suggest a good, reasonably priced place to buy supplies.

DC, We always come through ABQ from Oklahoma and from there take Hwy 550 to Durango. Very nice drive, coming in from the west following the Dolores River. If you like Mexican food, there is a great place in Cuba, NM called Bruno’s. We make the stop every year! You will have no problem finding what you need from the airport.

Good Luck and Bueno Festival!!!

Newg :wave :thumbsup :cheers :flower

How long is the drive from ABQ? I was hoping 5 hrs.

5 hours is pushing it! Closer to to 6.


You should be able to get a very nice spot Sunday evening.

I’d take Hippie’s list and decide what is minimal for you with some things to keep in mind: altitude, Telluride is 8700’; weather- everything from bright, sunny hot days to wet snow. We have Verizon and cell coverage is great (the list was probably made before widespread cell phone use); cash, Telluride is pricey, but not in the extreme. Make time to visit the Farmer’s Market on Friday in town too. Oh, and quarters for the showers- 5 minutes of hot water for $3 in quarters, cold water is free, it exacts its toll in different ways…

Albuquerque has lots of places depending on preferences and memberships- REI, Costco and Sam’s are all located at approx. I-25 and Montgomery/Montano, which is on your way thru town well to the north of the airport. Search “Albuquerque sporting goods” for other options.

If you are the social types, you might want to set up near some folks that seem to know what they’re doing and make friends. Supplies and knowledge are usually freely shared.


Red Mountain Pass has closures.
Check with CDOT

US 550 is closed over Red Mountain Pass daily, Monday-Saturday 8:30AM-12:30PM & 1:30PM - 6:30PM during rockfall mitigation work likely through June 13th.
Alternate route: From Ridgeway, Hwy 62 to Hwy 145, then to US 160 (reversed coming from Durango). Alternate route is approximately 88 miles
All other times traffic will be in a single-lane alternating traffic operation controlled by a traffic signal.
Road Closure began May 11th, 2014 at 10:42am.

Safe travels,
