This is not progress or an improvement on the previous system. We have a great community here in town park and are willing to do whatever is needed to insure that we all have a great time. But to roll out a new system and not inform the folks running it you can do better than that Planet Bluegrass people.
This morning LINE for numbers at Town Park was a disaster and very frustrating!!! Two of us showed up at 6:50 AM and there were a lot of people already there wondering where to stand and what the process would be. The rest of my party from the camp site showed up at 7:00 AM. The new system was poorly organized. We waited until past 8:00 AM when an announcement was made to line up, that they were randomizing the numbers. What a joke…they only randomized 300 tickets then when they ran out they threw in tickets above 300, then they ran out of tickets, so you were there since 6:45 and did not get a ticket. The thought was that all 750 numbers for town park would be randomized. You randomized only the first 300. Festivarians were very frustrated and upset and angry…not a good way to begin the festival. Also, there was no one checking to see if a person would get back into line to see if they could get a lower number. Some system needs to be done to be sure no one would have more than one chance to get a low number. Maybe the wrist band should be marked or punched when you get your number.
A change needs to be made before tomorrow morning. It would be helpful to the person handing out numbers to have some help & support. Possible shorten the time between 7:00 to 8:00.
I agree, the Town Park line this morning was a cluster. If Larry needs help in the morning, I am offering to help. My volunteer shifts are all done but I would love to help make tomorrow’s line number distribution go easier.
The system in place at the ranch works well for RockyGrass & Folks Festival…multiple staff handing out randomized numbers, with hole punches through the wristband to denote that a number was issued already.
I am available to help the remaining three days of festival if needed…plus I want to see Larry in his kilt on Sunday! I’m camping in Town Park and the lovely Jasmine Lok will vouch for me… :wave
Paul K Smith
Camp HulaGanz!
Great job Friday. So much better. And with the time to process people, no reason not to start at it just after 7am. Great comeback, keep it up!
Thank you PB. Line much better today in TP. Didn’t get a low number but with all 750 numbers randomized, we all had a chance.
Gotta say…who cares! We all got in and it was one hellaova Festival! :pirate
Although the first day was a bit chaotic, I think that ultimately this was a really good change. Getting everyone out of their tents for a 7am lineup was not easy, and I’m still feeling a little sleep deprived, but ultimately I think we have a great new process for the Town Park line and I think Larry did an excellent job of adapting to the new situation.
Thanks PB, and especially Larry, for helping us all evolve. I certainly didn’t miss sleeping by the volleyball court or having to round folks up for each nights stint in line!
Yes much better and way more fair! Thank you thank you. Thank you!!!
My only suggestion: instead of waking up 750 people early every morning how about we hand out numbers at midnight. Or since we get our wristbands punched to eliminate double grabbing, how about handing the out at the box office all day (or some part of each day?
Yes SOME effort should be demonstrated but sleeping in past 7 am would be greatly appreciated.
Hey if us kids staying in town can’t sleep past 7 am for a lineup ticket, why should kids in TP? :lol
To echo Bevin’s comment, Larry is the bomb…even without the kilt!
Thanks Planet Bluegrass for the randomized line number fix for Friday morning…change can be hard on us old timers but we appreciate the now consistent policy with Rocky & Folks Fest.
I actually enjoyed the new process and it was a lot of fun talking to other campers as we lined up in our PJs and puffer jackets at 7am. Kind of an outdoor version of the patients in One Flew Over The Cuckoo Nest lining up at the nurse’s station.
I still think we should have a finish line where we run across the line, grab our ticket and go.
Thanks to everyone who made it work. Teething problems were annoying but by day two we were all a pretty well oiled machine ( which was amazing really considering what was going on the night before).
Haha. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. That’s a spot on visual. :lol
I know, right? I mean it made perfect sense to us but I would love a visual of that line…we did look pretty funny
We did??? :lol
To echo Bevin’s comment, Larry is the bomb…even without the kilt!
Thanks Planet Bluegrass for the randomized line number fix for Friday morning…change can be hard on us old timers but we appreciate the now consistent policy with Rocky & Folks Fest.
Larry is Da Bomb! Love that dude!! :flower
Outside of the Raiders hat, Larry is great.
Line change to me was a huge win. Sure Thursday had issues, but what family doesn’t have hiccups? To me the previous line was cold, filled with anxiety and sometimes anger. All I felt this year was camaraderie and laughter.
Nice work PB and Festivarian Family! Great year, love you all!