THE LINE for numbers each day

:wave Everybody.

The lineup for numbers each night in the campground has gotten crazier and crazier over the past couple of years. Enough so, that it’s time for a change.

This information was just posted here:

Line-up Overview:
Our long-standing line policy exists to create a kinder, gentler, more Festivarian-like entry each morning. Please keep in mind that the entry line is a complicated logistical problem and we have developed these rules with decades of experience while taking a number of factors into consideration. Our goal is to create an entry procedure that will be fair, orderly, and will satisfy the greatest number of Festivarians. Any feedback or suggestions you may have are greatly encouraged!
Remember, this is a general admission festival. Your tarps do not change that. Festivarians who see an unoccupied tarp are encouraged to have a seat until the owner returns.

Line Policy – Town Side (General Admission)

• You must be physically present in line at all times - no empty chairs!
• Numbers will be handed out each morning prior to the gates opening.
• Even after receiving your number, you must stay in line - reasonable bathroom/coffee breaks aside.
• Per Town ordinance, you may not camp in line - this means no tents, no cooking, and no sleeping.
• One number, one person, one tarp.
• Festivarians with numbers will be admitted into the Festival in order, one at a time, after going through the standard Customs procedure.

Line Policy – Town Park/ Warner Field Side

• 750 numbers will be RANDOMLY distributed to Town Park and Warner Field wristband holders ONLY. (no kids bands will receive a number)
• Numbers will be distributed each morning of the Festival between 7am and gates open at the TP/WF entrance.
• ONE number, one person, one tarp. No exceptions!
• After receiving your number, please find your numeric position in line no less than 30 minutes prior to the gates opening
• Festivarians with numbers will be admitted into the Festival in order, one at a time, after going through the standard Customs procedure.
• Due to the random nature of the number distribution, there is no need to line-up overnight.

See you all soon.



Well that sounds super sensible and fair…though I admit I have never slept in line.

That said, I wrote my thesis on fandom in the eighties. Interviewed the most devoted fans by finding the ones who were sleeping in lines for tickets. Online ticket buying has eliminated this group. They were a nice bunch by and large.

Love that the new rules are designed to help promote kindness. We need more and more kindness

Whoa. Seems fair. Does this mean anyone wanting a tarp line # in TP just has to be there between 7am and gates, or is there a specific time? Being that its random, guess that means you could technically get a good number at any time. I’m sorta confused?? :huh

Pretty radical for the campers. For those of us in general admission line, doesn’t seem so different, unless the “no empty chairs” rule will be enforced. Generally the empties show up as soon as the daily line enters the field. We gave up the tarp line years ago, not willing to sit all day and it just seemed too weird.

This sounds interesting for the TP folks. Curious, how will the numbers be randomized? Will they print a list? If I get a low number can I pass it along to someone else? You won’t see my old butt out there running very fast these days with tarps. Especially with those 40’x40’ tarps that some people manage to bring it. God bless them. Swear some of them are larger than the ones the roll across the infield at Coors Field.

Love It!!!

I think it’s perfect. Works at RG, should be a non-issue at TBG.

Praise Jeebus. The sleeping in line situation was the only thing I disliked about tbf. I for one am much happier getting up early and having it be a random fair shot for everyone.

Nice choice PBG!

I think this is a wonderful change for the campers. Every passing year, the line process seemed more stressful and counter to the chill festival most of us want. Last year, it broke my heart when things got so bad that someone overturned all of the chairs that were serving as placeholders. Yes, the placeholder chairs was pretty weird but people were just trying to play by the rules as they understood them and someone decided to be destructive and screw with innocent people. At that point, I fully came around to the POV that a more random/lottery process was really more in line with my own view of what our favorite festival should represent. Reasonable people can differ but I applaud PB for shaking things up!

Sounds fair enough. Should help some of the craziness. Last year was nuts! Although I’ll have to say my kiddo will be disappointed. She looked forward to sleeping in line… made her feel cool I think. :lol

Correct. Essentially no change for the general admission side.

The numbers will be shuffled before they are handed out. The actual numbers will be similar to what you’re used to, they just will not be in chronological order as they are handed out.

I’ll feed you, baby bird… :wink:

“Numbers will be distributed each morning of the Festival between 7am and gates open at the TP/WF entrance.”

*The exact time of the number hand-out will be determined by the staff member handing out the numbers and will likely vary from day to day.

Correct. That’s the whole idea. No need for overnight line waiting, chairs in line, or even being first in line. All 750 people who receive a number will have the same chance at #1 as they do #750.

Yes, last year’s fiasco was a bit stressful for everyone. :evil

I just wonder how big the line will end up being for the numbers now. :huh

The groups that work the hardest to get up front will just have to have more people in line for numbers to have a better chance at a low number. :wave

It sounds fair to me, although I haven’t done the land-rush in the last 20 years. :flower


As square as you can get it that’s for sure. Great move. Gee I have a shot! :lol :medal

Got it. If you want to ensure a lower number, go early to get in the town line! :thumbsup

So do the campers coming in from Lawson get one of the 750 numbers as well? Or are those numbers only for Town Parkers? If so does that mean people not camping in Town Park will automatically have to wait for the 750 people to go in?

I’m pretty sure that it means the Lawson and Ilium campers will be lumped in with the town line.
Once the 750 Town Park and Warner numbers have been used they will start letting in the rest of Town Park and Warner Field.

Has the entire Town Park line always been allowed to enter (in full) prior to the start of the main gate line?

Having never waited in either line, but I had always assumed both lines start at the same time … similar to the way all base area lifts start loading at the same time in the morning on a powder day.

Yes, it’s a simultaneous entrance. I believe the Mayor was referring to the rest of the campers inside WF and TP - those of us who don’t run the tarp w/a # will be allowed to enter only after all the #s have gone through.

Thanks for clarifying about simultaneous entrance.

Is there any rule stopping people who camp in TP/Warner from simply getting in the Main Entrance line very early to insure a low number? If I were part of a “camp” in TP that had been accustomed to getting a good tarp spot for a number of years, I’d transfer “primary line duty” to the Main Entrance; and if the spot wasn’t acceptably close to the front, I would have everyone else in the camp who’s able to get up by 7am to enter the TP line lottery in order to try and upgrade the camp’s overall position in line. I can also see how some camps might elect to have tarps run from both lines and simply see what works out the best.

While I applaud the recognition of the general issue and this seems to be a step in the right direction by PB, I’m not sure this is the most egalitarian solution in so far as how it’ll likely play out; creating more competition for the Main Entrance line by effectively prompting many TP campers to maximize the odds to retain their camp’s status quo. At the same time, non TP/Warner park ticket holders don’t have the same opportunity to “hedge their bet”.

Yep, FOM, it’s a grand conspiracy by them TP camps. I’m glad you’re on to them. They need to be stopped.