The Adventures of Duk Tape Man!

DTM was born in '03 in Town Park, and he’s been the mascot for Camp Duk Tape the last few years. The principals of Camp Duk Tape wanted DTM to ABGAT for them, so they shipped him to me. I guess United Airlines wanted full fare on a seat for the guy. So he arrived via Priority Mail and he’s my traveling companion until Saturday when he will arrive in his summer home in the Primitive Area. He’s a nice guy and all, but you better lock up your cooler after you meet him.

And as Mark says, if he gives you any lip, just tape his mouth shut.

Gothcha! :thumbsup
thanks for the heads up on locking the cooler… :cheers

I’ll throw the life saver out to rescue this DT-thread from oblivion…

After all… this is where the trouble began in the first place…

Is DTM at 4 Corners?

Auntie Hope :pickin

He’s supposed to be! :cheers

He is indeed. This is his last west coast Festival before he and Blaze head back east for Mag Fest in Live OAk. :cheers

Happy Labor Day everyone :cheers


Uh-oh… I don’t like the look of that devil…

What are you up to?? :eek

Hmmm … Duk Tape Man looks like a distant cousin to ‘Flat Stanley’! LOL

Time for a bump… this could be a good time to (re)introduce the Dudes to the newbies.

I hear DTM is preparing for his annual trip to Albuquerque.

No word on Blaze’s itinerary… he’s always hoofed to a different bongo beat, hasn’t he? :flight

DukTape Man’s (mis)adventures will be continued here:,2843.0.html

I thought it was important to bump the thread where all the trouble began… :eek

The li’l Dukker is at it again…

I found him in my car behind the cooler… with Blaze and Duk in-tow!! :eek