Telluride vs. Bonnaroo

Hello all!
This will be my first trip to Telluride and I’m SUPER excited!!! I am a 6 year Bonnaroo veteran so I feel pretty comfortable with the festival scene… but i was wondering if anyone had any tips/ideas things i may need to know that will be different or what not??? I dunno…anyone else have experience with both that could share a point of view/comparison of the two??
I’m most worried about how weird it will be not having walking access to camp sites, like you can at roo…(i photograph a LOT and make trips to the site to upload my pics etc and clear out my memory cards…)
Also, since the music stops fairly early in the evening (compared to roo)… what does everyone do at night ?? does everyone go to bed?!?

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you all soon!! :wave :wave :wave :wave

It will not be hot at night, actually, it gets right down to the freezing point some nights. It seems that you may already be aware that you’re not camping by your car.

There is plenty to do after the “official festival music” stops on the main stage. Late night jams in camp, late night cooking and all around just plain 'ole good visiting! You have a blast… oh, will you have a blast!

Where are you camping, by the way?

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

How dare you suggest we go to bed!!! There’s not much sleeping to be done, unless that’s your thing. Otherwise there is music and festivating going all night…depending on where you camp.

I know that Lenny (from the Isle of Man, so he talks funny) has been to 'roo and said he liked the Telluride vibe better.

If you are camping remotely (not in Town Park) then you will need summer and winter clothes for the day. And I mean winter. And summer.

…and from what I gather (We are festivirgins as well) you will need lots of bacon. Lots and lots of bacon!

Amen, Sister! :thumbsup

ahem…it is “Amen Brotha”!

Amen, Sister!

Brother… as much as I RESPECT the fact that you and the Mrs. “share everything” we’re totally clueless as to which party we are posting with at any given time. So… on that note…

:hombre I WAS TALKING TO YOUR WIFE! :lol :lol :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Nightgrass shows at the Sheridan and Fly Me to the Moon Saloon go til last call or so. There is always someone awake at camp. Also, way, way, way less people than Bonaroo and I assume much, much, much friendlier. Don’t know that much about Bonaroo camping, but I am guessing the music setup / stages is pretty similar to ACL. Telluride is one main stage and a smaller workshop stage, so you won’t have to make as many choices about who you want to see. If you are at Mary E. Ilium (the farthest from town) expect about an hour roundtrip to camp and back (It may be less, I just can’t remember how often the shuttles run). The shuttles run late into the night though so you can go to those nightgrass shows and not worry about having to hike back to camp.

When is last call in Telluride?

I be thinking Colorado law is 2 am. Long ass time since I closed a bar down!
So…is Rez like your next door neighbor that has dogs that bark?

Uhhhhh - - - - Monday?

Amen Sister!

Love and Kisses,
Brian the Useless one

These guys are going to be a hoot, Hope! Just hope they don’t cross dress! Then we are in trouble!

No Rez Dogs are the many dogs out here on the Navajo land that are always around and belong to no one. there must be 5-10 that just sort of live on our street alone. I need to have Ron over so he can take care of these dogs, like that poor dog on the forum the other day.(just kidding) :lol :lol
As far as the bar time we will have to keep you out Tuesday night, So we can see you cook with a hang-over at the PJ breakfest. :lol :lol :lol :lol

where on the rez ??? I’ll be in Tuba City on Saturday June 13th


Tuba city, What are you coming to tuba for?

1:30 last call 2:00 door closes as far as I know…

a birthday party Saturday afternoon, I’m staying over that night before driving up to Town Park

:peace …

We will just miss you we are driving up to Telluride Sat morning. Do you have family out here?