Telluride vs. Bonnaroo

Good luck! I turn into a pumpkin at about 10 pm. And…I have been know to pull runners! :thumbsup :lol :lol :lol :lol
The Rats…The Rats…The Rats are jumping ship!!! :cheers

We’re conjoined croos-dressing twins! How did you know? :lol :eek :rolleyes :cheers

He’s joined to Jailhouse Tommy. :evil How funny… twins all over the place this year! :lol

Well…if the Cramugen’s on Seaseme Street have a more onry one, that would be Tommy! He’s getting more and more grumpy in his old age! Must be his bowels. No we are straight…not my fault and …SUR. I know the way you think!
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Well, to get back on topic…Telluride is a WAY different scene then Bonnaroo…much more family friendly if you know what I mean. The last roo I went to was in 2005, and from my experience Telluride is more about appreciating beautiful music in a beautiful setting, with less emphasis on the other “stuff”. I’m sure that it is still there, but you won’t find Shakedown Street in downtown telluride!! Oh, and rather then dealing with 100,000 wasted high school and college kids, you will be enjoying the beauty of telluride with about 10,000 of your newest best friends!! There is a much more friendly vibe in T-ride.

ive never been to roo or telluride and am phenomenally more excited about telluride this year… been making plans for years and its finally happening!!!
my buddy whose making the trip (part of the way) with me was able to get some free passes for roo and since we’ll be driving right through there we decided to go, just on sunday though, to see the phish show…
but whatever plans go down, as long as im in telluride by the time the music starts, if not sooner, im gonna be smiling, smiling, smiling :wink:
for me, the family festival is really what its all about, and im sure without a doubt, ill find it at the TBF!

i’ve been to both, telluride takes the cake. this festival is cool because it takes over an entire small town. nothing like that as far as i know at any other festival. so you can enjoy the music, and kind of be a tourist in an incredible little town for the weekend. you can take a little time off to do a hike. the focus at the festival is on the music, not so much the partying (though there’s NO lack of raging at t-ride, just a lot less sketchiness and drugs than bonnaroo). other great stuff. i was stumbling back to my condo last year at 4am and i heard some debauchery coming from downtown. i went to investigate and it was vince from leftover, one of the girls from uncle earl, the guitar player from the punch brothers, and a mandolin player from one of the groups just rocking out in the street at four in the morning, only about five or six other people around. that shit would NOT ever happen at bonnaroo. i hung with those guys til almost 5am!! :lol

Now that is the kind of thing I’m sooooooooo looking forward to at TBF this year!!! :eek
I’m a newbie, and I’ve been hearing so many amazing stories like this, so whatever happens I know I’m in for a treat!
As for the family in Telluride, I can vouch for that!!! I’ve never been and I 've never met any of these people yet, but I have never felt so welcomed and looked after!
Bring on the TBF festifamily!!! :cheers

Amen, brother. And Thank God/Sam for that! Hopefully, you will find nothing similar between the 2 festivals beyond the fact that you camp and see music. We don’t need to see the Bonaroo-style party scene in Telluride. It’s just more fun and friendly when folks aren’t getting out of control. Remember, there’s kids around. Pretty cool kids, by the way, but we’re always shooting for the “well managed buzz.” That way, you don’t miss any of the fun.

Very different! The first Bonaroo had a more similar vibe to Telluride Bluegrass (but much bigger!), but now Bonaroo is more mainstream commercial music. TBF is still rootsy, not all bluegrass, but still homegrown.

TBF is a much smaller crowd – 10-12,000 compared to 90-100,000 – so it’s a closer, more intimate festival. Even though the age range is about 1-80, and people come from all walks of life, there’s a common thread through the whole crowd.

Big difference will be the climate and weather. Pack clothes for every conceivable weather. Temps can range from 30-90. There’s no humidiity, so when the sun goes down the temp drops like a rock.

Depending on where you’re camping, going back and forth during the day could take considerable time away from the music. I’d say check the lineup and plan your trips if you can’t walk to your tent.

TBF is an amazing experience. Once you go, you’ll never want to miss it.

“TBF is an amazing experience. Once you go, you’ll never want to miss it.”

Yes indeed!

:festival :festival :festival

I have attended Bonnaroo once…
I can only hope that with TBF I wont see people asking for Meth,
wont see fights, wont get scammed out of my food because you cant take it with you.
Wont have security take (and keep) my backpack because they arent allowed inside and wont have people pooping behind there tents (everywhere) very gross.
And I wont see babies crying in tents with nobody around. And I hope I dont see 6$
bottles of water and 11$ hamburgers ($12.50 with cheese). And I hope I dont see mothers with children get thrown to the ground by security because they refused to give up their backpacks containing diapers and baby food. And I hope I dont see
people shooting up, and I hope I dont see people stealing tents (our neighbors left for a show and when they came back their entire camp was gone.
Lastly the image that will forever stick in my mind when I hear Bonnaroo…
Everywhere I looked I saw diapers and needles,very sad…
We are hoping Telluride is a more thoughtful and positive experience.

Illium on Monday morning!

^how I feel now about Wakarusa. Hopefully this year was better. I went to the first one and had a blasty blast. The second year I got to watch my neighbors making crack in the bottom of a soda can. It was special to say the least.

Freckled Farmer and Vetniles,

I have been to Bonnaroo and I have been to TBF, and to be 100% honest, you can;t compare the two in any way shape or form (In my opinion), just to hit up a few of the items listed:

Water - Lots of it, cold and free

Food - VERY fair prices and great selection

Security Harrassing Folks - Does not exist, everyone with TBF is very friendly and respectful, Don’t be an absolute idiot and show respect and you will be fine

Babies in Tents/Bad Vibes - Again, does not exist

Hard Drugs/Junkies - See above, if they are their, I never see them!

Trash all over the palce - The complete opposite

Bathrooms - Cleanest Honey Buckets I ahve EVER seen at a festival (and I have been to ALOT of them)

Your in for a treat once you get down there and get settled in, lord knows I was blown away my first time!!!


I know it will be a completely different experience. I am excited to say the least.

Thanks all! very positive words.
I saw around 100 dead shows, probably 100 phish shows and many, many others.
I have never seen so much negativity as I did there, again a big dissapointment.
I think we have found our new home at TBF.
I look forward to making it an annual pilgrimage!


Bring on the “clean honey buckets”!!! YAHOO!!! :lol :flower :wink: :wink:

Honey Buckets?
I must have missed that in the TBF 101 that you gave me, Oh wait you never did!!! Just gonna throw me to the wolves LOL, Well I know this so far duck tape and tye dye is a staple!!! Woo Hoo !!! I am stoked!! I cant wait to come back with all my texas garb!!!

Hopw I am not too loud for ya’ll!!!

PS. Texans also seem to have a bit of trouble with their reading skills… :lol :flower

This year they are gonna have Portajanes. A pink outhouse just for the ladies, it has mirrors, and handles on the side so girls can hover. I guess they don’t like to touch there hiny’s to the seat. They were made by a telluride HS student.