Telluride Bluegrass 2009 Lost & Found


I misplaced/lost my belt…it has mostly blue patterned diamond shapes, very Southwestern feel, with silver buckle…it’s my favorite belt that i’ve had since 97, any help please…

I have somebody’s green Knead a Massage Nalgene bottle

Sorry about your belt!

Although we did not find it, we did have someone leave a black fleece Columbia hat on our cooler one night. Had it pinned to the outside of our tapestry for the remainder of the fest, but no one claimed it. Meant to leave it by the gate when we left, but accidentaly left it in one of our bins.

Just let me know if this is your hat and I can ship it to you.

i lost my black GoLite rain jacket. loved that thing, i think i left it inside on the friday evening

My daughter lost her beloved doll “Darla” sometime while we were loading up off of Warner Field. We think she may have left her at that little playground by the pond. I know this is a longshot but…you never know. Thanks. Big Al

On this note, all I lost this time was a very small headlamp that has many options, red, normal, blinky, etc… I believe it was a petzal and have some doubts that it will be found. I will give it until rockygrass otherwise I will need a new one then!

I lost my will to come back home! Has anyone found it?

:wave It’s back there in Town Park :flower


We found a headlamp at Run-A-Muck on cleanup day. Not sure if it was yours and not sure where it went. Hopefully another of the R.A.M. group can shed light (haha) on it.

It had blue on the logo on it; that’s all I remember. Maybe a Z in the name.

:wave The headlamp is here in the pile somewhere, it seems to have only one setting… On or Off. It is blue.


this could be mine if it is a small headlamp. I forgot to post this loss however yeah, i’ve misplaced a small solid blue headlamp that doesn’t blink, just on/off. I think black band, could have happened either A) during the Bela show or B)the zaniness of David Byrne…

looking for my wife’s Jackson Hole zip up fleece. Black. Most likely lost near the Sheridan on Friday night.

I can’t find the A/C power cord to my pump for my airbed. It has 3 holes on one of the thingies that plugs into the pump, and a big black box thingy that plugs into the outlet. If I charged it up at the Runamuck media center then that’s where it ended up. I don’t remember charging it up while I was there though.
I don’t know whose outlets those were in the kitchen in the crates, but that’s where it would be IF I used it. Hippie, AJ, Hooch, Karlos? Tom?

Dang It…Dang It…Dang It!!! :eek

I’ve lost my favorite shirt! I last had it on Sunday (final day of fest) on my bike and it seems to have left me…Have you seen it?

It is a Roper … here it is earlier in the day…

Hey! I am also still holding a pendant that was found at Run-a-Muck the day of the TCC.

It is a pendant without a chain…if you are missing one please contact me with description so that it can be returned to the rightful owner!

unfortunately, i saw a whole crew of kids walking around inside after the show on sunday picking up things people had left, and they didnt seem like they were planning on turning them in to planet bluegrass.

that being said, ill put this one out there anyway:

my friend is looking for her water bottle-- its one of those metal ones (forget the brand), but its distinguishable because its got KEITH HARING artwork all over it… i think a bunch of multicolored people.

it was her moms (i dont know why she brought it), and her brother and his girlfriend went to pains to buy it for her, so if youve got any idea… let me know

I lost my Yellow & Silver Dueter Backpack and would love for it to come back to me!

Help. I’ve lost all desire to go to work. I think I left it in town Park somewhere. It was rather large when I got there before the Fest, but it seemed to get smaller as the days went by.

I don’t really miss it as much as my business partner seems to. But it’s her own fault - she was invited to go to TBF, but decided not to. She could have made sure that I kept my desire to go to work with me, but now she has to live with the consequences.

If, by chance, you come across it, please hold on to it for me. I’ll be back next June and can pick it up then.

Oops!!! Sorry John, I saw that hauled away in the recycling bin on Monday morning after FESTIVVVAAALLL!!! Just tell your business partner to get a life or get over it, which ever she decides first. Oh, tell her it doesn’t really matter either way to you or us, we’ll be happy and counting down the days until TBF 2010!

We hope to meet her next year! :cheers

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

ooooooooooo. you may have seen me and my brothers. we weren’t looking for stuff folks had lost (if we had found anything we would have turned it in), we were collecting TBF cups to bring home with us!