Telluride Bluegrass 2009 Lost & Found


Howdy All,

I lost an inexpensive item that is very dear to me and my friends. Most likely it was smashed to little bits.

It is a Dwight Howard pedometer. I got it in a box of shreded mini-wheats. Its small, black, has a sticker of a tiny dinosaur on it and it clips to a belt.

I use it to coun’t my dance steps :thumbsup

I remember being around 11,000 for the day @ Bela. Haven’t seen it since.

Also, despite copius amoutns of SPF I lost a nose as well. Holla if you’ve seen either.

Who’s head lamp is this? I found it in Camp Run a Muck on Monday morning when we were packing out…


I dont know about the lamp but I’m pretty sure that is my sink your holding!

I actually have two of those in the back yard… How are you doing your dishes?


Dishes? We don’t use no stinkin’ dishes! thats where I bathe! Whoops, I knew there was something I was forgetting to do!:lol

Lost your mind, did ya?

Welcome to the club! :thumbsup

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Lost your mind, did ya?

Welcome to the club! :thumbsup

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green
I’m a charter member of that club! Hope all is well with Hope!

Just checkin’ in to see if my favorite shirt has surfaced??? :flower