I just checked the Saturady passenger list on Frontier and in seat 1B is registered to a Yortuk “wild and crazy guy” Festrunk

:lol :lol :lol :lol
somehow I don’t think airlines give out their manifest’s info. But that is pretty darn funny. Is Georg on that list too? I hear he plays a mean harmonica. :wink:

I have a friend who knows Steve Martin should I ask? :huh
Ok, I already asked him to check, I guess the question is if i find out should I post it… :huh

Luv from the gov… :pipe2

I like the mystery, If everyone had the answer, then all we would have is the show. I’d rather have the mystery and the show. :cheers

I’m with you on that. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

No, but send me an email, would ya? :thumbsup

I really don’t care who it is …

… as long as it’s YMSB

Me too, I want it to be a surprise… :clap :secret :secret :secret

At this point in time, I want it to be a suprise also…
but, I’m still bringing that arrow in the head thingy anyway… :lol

I would quite excited to see Mr. Martin. I watched him on Letterman about a week ago, and I thought to myself:

  1. New album
  2. Banjo
  3. RockyGrass


lol, bring two and I’ll join ya! :lol

I posted this on another thread but the Steve Martin rumor makes sense. He’s being backed by the Steep Canyon Rangers these days and they are playing… on Sunday at RG.

Is there somewhere that sells the arrow head thingy locally?

I’m In :wave

Ok, I just confirmed that Steve Martin will NOT be at RG. He will be on a big boat off the coast of France.

Out of curiosity… How do you confirm something like that? Do you have an inside track - or just some ninja google skills?



There avalible on line, but still Still looking for a local retailer, maybe in boulder?

I’ll leave it at “an inside track”.

On a positive note, I learned that Steve Martin will be adding Denver to his upcoming tour.

Maybe it’s not someone, but something … like a tribute to …

Darn! I was hoping for ninja google skills… That is something that can be learned… :wink:

you must be the google :lol