Success Stories?

If you have ever been shut out of lottery and really wanted to see a show at the Sheridan or Fly me to the Moon, please tell your success stories here.

Just be patient… More than likely will happen… What do you need?

I’m sure there are hundreds, maybe thousands of success stories out there! I have had success buying, selling and trading NG tickets in the past. It’s definitely possible. Now some tickets are definitely harder to come by, but I think you’ll find that tickets will be available for some of the shows as Festival time draws near. Keep an eye on the forum and stay positive.

I was in the very fortunate position to be able to miracle a young lady outside of the WSP show in St. Louis a couple weeks ago. You never know where those tickets are going to come from. Don’t get discouraged and good luck!

Last year we sold an extra Yonder Sheridan in camp, and also unloaded a couple extra sets of FMTTM tickets (can’t remember which ones now) the week of.

There’s a board outside the box office where ppl post extras, as well as throughout the different campsites. We’ve had lots of success there. :thumbsup

I sat lonesome outside of Fly Me during a show that I couldn’t get in and was suddenly pulled in through the back door. Right place/right time.

Keep a smile on yer face and a flask in yer pocket…or a flask on yer face and a smile in yer pocket. Either way.

:medal :medal :medal :lol

This place :flower LOVE IT!!!
4 x4 is what I adore its 4x4

Dad is slippin but I know hes itchin" to hear those sweet fiddles play
My sweet bro C is havin hip surgery and needs some quiet time away
My man is stressin’ and its work Im guessin’, a cold one before noon would solve a ton :evil
and me well Im missin’ all the love and affection that I feel when Im in the middle of…
A town that is hummin with friends, music and nature and what ever the weather may come :cheers
4 for 4. :flower
I held a ticket for someone for months as we walked to the Fest first night, ticket in hand, excited we flew tword the music in the Dark…we step up to the counter to exchange our tickets for wrist bands and my friend dropped his ticket. ARE YOU KIDDING? On our hands and knees we scoured the dark streets of Tride and YESS we found it. Crazy luck.

We were part of someone’s success story last year. We won 4 Greensky tix and sold two (at a bit below face value) to a couple of happy festivarians. Last year we won bunches of NG (2 punch, 2 elephant, 4 greensky), and this year we didn’t get any, and missed out on Yonder Conference Center due to time zone confusion. Our hope for this year is that karma will serve us well. But we did get some Palm show tickets (Elephant and Greensky), so it’s all good.

I was shut out of the Punch Brothers shows last year and this year, but this year I posted a plea in the “need tickets” section of the forum, and a super cool festivarian came to the rescue. He/she also came through with a Wednesday night Yonder ticket before I even knew they were sold out. I love this place and this group of folks!

A couple of years ago, I wanted to see Drew Emmitt and friends at the SOH SOOOOO bad, got shut out, and had lots of problems trying to find a ticket. I decorated a small paper plate in camp asking for tix, and hung it by the TP bathrooms on the board. Didn’t hear anything, for days! Then, within an hour of the show starting, we got a phone call from a very nice man from Wisco - and he had 2 tickets for us!!! WOO HOO!!! So, even if it seems like you may not get your tix, don’t give up. We have A LOT of time before the show starts to get our tix!! Also, it seems like every year, in the days before the fest actually begins (like the Mon, Tues before), there is always nightgrass floating around town to be had…Good luck all!!! :cheers

You’re welcome! :hooch

You are so funny. Are really like this in person :lol :lol :medal

Too tired to dance anymore I saw a sweet couple at the door of the S trying to get tickets to a nightgrass show, I gave them my tickets. It felt good to make someone happy and not to waste the great music to an empty seat. Yep feelin love all around in many ways…luck and success, one in the same some days!

It’s impossible to be this funny in the physical realm. However, I do have the ability to vomit green slime all over your TBF NG “success stories”, as demonstrated in my previous post.

Ment to instill hope, faith. :hooch in your general direction too :lol

Dry, I absolutly love a dry sense of humor. Reminds me of a very good old friend, I called em Chuckels, he never smiled but would just rip out these very funny jokes. You had to pay attention to everything he said. Bravo silly :lol :medal

Hurdy Gurdy :huh Glad to belt that out for ya Junior. :wink:

Grassed up this tune would be off the charts good. Thanks :flower

Hurdy Gurdy Man. :medal

Hey! That was me! I remember it well. The trades I got were awesome :thumbsup

:wave Last year Phoebe and Jason from Australia had all their TBF tix “misplaced” by the either the airlines, or Customs on their way over, didn’t they? FestiForumFamily came through many times over with that clusterbuck…

and don’t forget the search the year before to get Jason and Phoebe from Australia the 4 days the year before…

A few years back we had a friend of a friend show up in Town Park with someone we didn’t expect. She was 72 years old and was freaking out when she arrived because couldn’t get her tent set up and thought she was missing parts for it. We thought “Oh boy, we have our hands full now!” But she settled in, finally got her tent set up and deftly proceeded to party the rest of us into the ground.

On the Friday of Festival, I noticed she had made a hand-written sign that she had safety-pinned to her t-shirt that said “Need Drew Emmit Nightgrass Please!”

She walked around with that little note pinned to her chest for 2 days and wouldn’t you know, on Saturday evening she comes screaming into camp with a Drew Emmit SOH Nightgrass ticket. I never saw anyone work so feverishly for a Nightgrass ticket, and never before or since have I been so out-partied by someone’s grandmother. Classic.

With a little help from our friends…

Sounds like the lady I slept in line with by the river one year. The first thing she said in the morning was I’m old but love to have fun! Great story Bev. Love this place…