Success Stories?

So, did you get Hep C or what?

:lol :lol OK, OK, OK let me re phrase that :lol everybodies a funny guy. :flower :cheers and we sat up not slept :wink:

Last year on the forums someone traded me their two Yonder Sheridan’s for my two Yonder CC’s and boy was our crew stoked! We were able to help those folks out and boy did they help us out!

We’ve gotten trades likewise for Yonder Sheridans once already in Town Park just through neighbors and such.

Two years ago a bit of the reverse magic happened. I showed up ready to walk into the Yonder Opera House show with an extra ticket in my wallet! I was a bit fuzzy by this time, and gaining by the minute you understand, and I needed to figure out if everyone in our crew was already in (this took a few minutes and was severely complicated by my teenage son messing with me big time and doing his best to confuse me!). I finally figured out that everyone was in and offered the ticket to the nearest passerby, who happened to be the friend of a friend who overheard my ‘dilemma.’ And that person got in easy as pie- and was so grateful! I was so happy to have been able to provide entry for someone by chance just because I had an extra that I didn’t know I had!

Basically, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE and you can manifest your way into anything with enough positive intention and belief behind it.

I have miracled and been miracled, including for Yonder at Sheridan. If you don’t find a ticket in advance, just
show up and wait. In my experience, having something to trade is helpful - many non-Coloradans would rather have kind than money.

Not really all that funny, seriously! :frowning:

In the Festivarian spirit though, carry on, have fun and stay safe.

Been shutout of most of the venues, but rarely had a trouble seeing a Show that I really wanted to get into, courtesey of Kind fellow festivarians…


By Sunday all the quitters give up early and go to bed and thus punch bros is never a hard ticket. I’ve gotten the last several years for free

Wanted to take a second to give a hearty festivarian THANK YOU to fellow message board member armmon for coming through with two face value tickets for Punch Brothers Nightgrass when me and my wife came up short. Got them in the mail last week. Awesome! :cheers