Sober Festivarians in Telluride

Would like to meet up with fellow friends of Bill at the fest…If anyone is interested, let me know and I’ll put together a meeting place and time to hang!!! This topic page can be Sobergrass Central…


Steve C here, I will be there camping in Town Park. I would love to meetup with some friends of Bills at TBG! Lord knows I will be surrounded with intoxicated people! It’s all good, but some sober company would be great!


Hi Steve C! So glad you wrote! Yes, sober company is necessary at the festival and it’s my mission to make that happen! Stay tuned to this link — I’ll make sure I post regularly and keep the convo going! Maybe a joke or two. Here’s one for today…
"Whats an alcoholics least favorite part of baseball? The bottom of the fifth!

Keep Comin Back!


Hi @Krenny - this is Geoff W, the Box Office manager for Planet Bluegrass. I too am a friend of Bill’s and appreciate your efforts here. Please let me know if there is anything myself or Planet Bluegrass can do to facilitate your meeting(s). At the very least, I would be happy to post a sign at the Box Office to help spread the word.


PS - I am told that our NA beverage options will be greatly improved this year!


Hey BluegrassGeoff!
So cool to hear from you and that you’re also a FOB! I’ve been to the fest 4 times (I live in NYC so i get very excited about it) and thought this year it would be a great idea to get soberfestivarians together. As someone who comes solo, its selfserving but i think others might love the idea of being with likeminded (literally) peeps as well.

Could you suggest a good spot for people to meet up each day? Inside past the ticketing and bagcheck…? I was thinking the Family Tent but then thought …really? First aid? Is there a Permanant Hula Hoop spot? (that would be cute :slight_smile:
Something that won’t be that crowded…

My thought was Noon made sense and then maybe another time pre-dinner? 5:00pm? (like a happy hour vibe?) (I know the acts are scattered so there’s no one good time really. A sign by the box office would be glorious as would a mention in the program if you could pull it off. You’d be surprised how many people might appreciate it plus it goes along with all the beautiful vibey thing that TBGF already does. Thoughtful and progressive!

PS…How’dya get such a cool job!!!

PPS…Gonna give it some thought for more ideas but those are the initial.
Thrilled you wrote and very enthusiastic about the NA options (maybe something noted where those options live?)

Festivarian Krenny!

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Yes yes yes! I have 17 years. I’m also experienced volunteering with “yellow balloon “ groups at concerts and festivals. I would love to be involved with this effort.

It would be most amazing if we could have a small table with volunteers available for anyone feeling slippery, with designated times for full-on meetings.

Any chance of the fest giving us a folding table somewhere? If so, we could circulate a sign up sheet for volunteers? I would gladly get us a small banner to hang off the front of the table.


We’re friends if Jimmy K with long term recovery. We will have one newcomer with us and would love to have a place to gather inside. We have fairly extensive yellow balloon group experience and can help out.

We will be camping on Lawson Hill. Look for the yellow balloons tied to our Easy Up.


If you have an organized team, you should have no trouble running a tarp in every day to secure a sober space, can be up in the chair section or back in the shade area, this would be my suggestion, and would require no additional aid from PB. It’s what all the big camps and groups do!
You could identify with banner or balloons, or flag!

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Love these ideas! Let me consult with the crew here and see what I can do. As you can imagine, space inside the Festival is precious. I think ToddG’s idea is a good one at the very least. Will be in touch!


Hi OregonAndy…

I’ve never actually heard of “yellow balloon” groups but sounds great. After scrolling down and reading all, i agree with Bluegrass Geoff in that Todd G’s idea with teams running a tarp in every day (chair section my preference, the closer the better but more room in shade) makes the best sense for a first year effort. Love the banner or balloons idea too. There are meetings daily within walking distance from the fest in town that i’ve been to which we can share with the group either in some central online place or even here in the Sober Festivarians in Telluride Forum (is this up during the fest? I would imagine so)…

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Hi Indianabonlb…so cool! Looking forward to meeting you at the gest and of course your chiming in with ideas! Keep in contact! newcomers are the best!

Hi ToddG…LOVE your idea…From where are you coming? Inquiring festivarian wants to know! I’m NYC (a rare traveler!!!)

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you are the bestest BGG!

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10/04/2007 Steve here to TP for TBF for 2025!
Me and my peeps coming in from Central Wisconsin for the pre-fest. I will/should be in town June 14 and would love to connect asap with any other FOBs. If there is possible of a table I could bring some literature & books to give away. But all I really want is some daily meetings! We could do a sign up to chair those?

Wow…serious Pre-Fest! I’m not in till the 18th but know they have some good meetings in town…just look on google. The one I’ve gone to (where closer to the fest you’ll find visitors attending) is at 434 W. Columbia Avenue at Christ Presbyterian Church…its excellent

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You might find Pre-fest is really some of the most memorable times!

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At least ill have a day of Pre-fest!!! :slight_smile:

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Howdy my fellow FOBs,

We were brainstorming here at HQ yesterday on ways we could help with a meeting spot. Assuming we would want it to be inside the Festival grounds, it’s a little tricky as almost every square foot has been already accounted for. Unfortunately, we don’t have acres and acres of land to work with like some other festivals.

How about if we try ToddG’s plan of running in a tarp everyday and see how that goes? You could have some yellow balloons or fly a yellow flag to allow others to find it. If balloons, I would be happy to help with storing the balloons and a smallish helium tank in the box office. Or if a flag, you could throw your flag behind the box office counter each night and grab it each morning if that would help.

Sound like a plan? We could gather some feedback throughout the fest and improve the plan for 2026 if needed!

Let me know what you think and I look forward to meeting you folks in June!!


Hi Again BGG! (BluegrassGeoff),

Love this idea plus your amazing offer of perhaps storing a yellow flag for storage (and or hellium tank). I’m getting to Telluride that Wednesday and would be happy to craft some kind of Flagpole with a Yellow flag on top of it or something to that end…(how would that go in the ground…is it soft enough turf to push a pole into? I know, details!!!). Also, in terms of running in a tarp…don’t people literally sleep outside overnight to do that the night before day one and then the tarp kinda stays for the duration? Could you refresh my memory about the tarp running…

Thanks amazing BGG!!!

@Krenny -
I did some asking around re: anchoring a flagpole. All I can officially say is there is a 6 inch max for stakes due to irrigation in the Park. Perhaps ToddG or someone else on here has some better ideas.

As for the running of the tarps, the rules depend on which entrance you use (Town Park/Warner Field vs. Main Entrance). Your tarp does not stay for the duration, the field is cleared each night. Find more details here.

Let me know if you have any other questions/concerns!