Okay, now this one is serious… I have a contact with an organic bacon producer… She is willing to arrange bacon delieverd to us in Telluride. She is going to charge 4.00 a lb… I need to know what varieties and how much per camp interested… Then, we will figure out the money…http://www.beelerspurepork.com/Products/SpecPages/Bacon.htm
Jerry, GARLIC pepper??? I suppose it’s quite good, but what about all the girls you kiss? :rolleyes :lol :lol Sometimes garlic gives me heartburn, so maybe we could get a mixed case?
I think T.Tom has a morning bacon-cooking event for one morning. Tuesday or Wednesday I think. I’m too busy (lazy) to hop over to that thread to check his official calendar of events. No worries…bacon will happen!
That’s brilliant Jerry! I was thinking about the fruit date but I realize now re-reading my post that I was subliminally hoping to alter the wardrobe of any man lucky enough to date me at Telluride…
A date wrapped in apple cinnamon bacon…left out in the sun to slowly bake…I wouldn’t even know where to start, um, eating my bacon :evil