Scalper Alert

Looks as though no one bought the tickets because this marks4runr just put them back on ebay for 1,000!! :mad

He has 0 bids on them!! I hope he eats those tickets or is convinced to sell them at face value!!

…and i sent him a similar message as above!

We Freaking Rock !
Bsmith …any luck yet ?
:thumbsup :cheers :cheers

No, not yet. But I’m not giving up hope that a ticket will turn up. :cheers


Don’t forget to log on to Resale Tickets at 12:00… There could be a few returns :flower Good luck!

Just an update on the ebay guy selling the TP tickets for 1,000…he still does not have ANY bids! :cheers

I thought I’d give my 2 cents to marks4rnr too:

Dear marks4runr,

What the hell? You OBVIOUSLY have never been to TBF before otherwise you’d know that we all LOATHE SCALPERS! How greedy, manipulative, and Gordon Gekko can you get?
C’mon… why don’t you try being a decent, kind human being and sell those tickets for face value (plus whatever legitimate shipping costs) to someone who will enjoy making new lifetime friends while being in the most beautiful place on earth listing to the most incredible musicians the world has produced? I promise that you will feel great about yourself knowing that you helped spread a little joy in this world.
Stand up, do the right thing! I have faith in you!

In peace,

I’ll let y’all know if I hear from him :lol

I emailed him and offered face value plus $20 extra per ticket for shipping and his efforts. If I don’t hear back I’ll email again and question his mother’s low moral standards and see if he responds then.

I like the way you work!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hooch! :strong

:lol :lol :lol :lol

I bet his mother never gave him bacon when he was little. If she had he would have turned out nicer. :lol

No Bacon and No Banjo makes them Bad Little Boys! Then they grow up to be scalpers. It really is a shame, isn’t it. :rolleyes

Bacon-deprived children grow up to be criminals. True story.

Go Hooch Go!! I got yer back…no wait…that’s yer bacon!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! :giggle

He’s back and now he is asking even MORE money…
Town Park tickets on e-bay

Hmmm…idea! Hey Dustin (or Brian), how about if you put a note or something on the TBF ticket site that directs them to the forum ticket exchange as well as explains to them that you (we) prefer that they NOT buy tickets for over face value and to avoid places like Ebay or other ticket agents? It may help a bit since you’d assume people looking for a ticket would hit up the PB website first in their search. If we can steer them right as they begin looking for tickets then maybe it will deter scalping somewhat.

DAMN!!! Thinnk I want to scream… There is a vehicle pass on ebay… BUY IT NOW for 1,000… HELP, maybe we kind festarvarians can persuade this person…

Personally, I like the fact that he is offering “free shipping to the continental US.” :mad. It’s like “Tell you what, I’m going to offer you these exorbitantly overpriced tickets at a huge profit margin so I can feel good about myself and cheat some other poor sap who really NEEDS these tickets and is playing by the festirules by posting in the tickets needed forum and I’m going to give you a GREAT deal on that $0.44 stamp I’m going to throw on them.” What a big hearted, generous… guy he is. :frowning: