Scalper Alert

Yeah…like just because they got laid off we should pay their rent???

Posting has been flagged…Did y’all know that you can flag those as prohibited on Craigslist? :strong

Flagged Again! Great Work Everybody!!! :thumbsup

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Here’s another that needed flagging

it’s gone now

in my backyard this time. :rolleyes

…another one bites the dust :wave

:thumbsup Good job! Isn’t flagging FUN!!! :dance

Here’s one trolling for scalping offers, flag away and keep flagging :clap

they won’t accept face value offers…keep flagging- this one now is a re-repost

they think festivarians won’t keep flagging them out of existance

I told him I will be in Denver on Apr. 3-5 and will bring him $540 cash and meet him. I was polite and explained the festivarian spirit. Doubt he’ll take this deal but at least if he is in need of the money, I will have cash. Did tell him he don’t belong in Town Park anyway if he is tring to sell these for profit. If I do get them, I will past them on to those in need for the face value.
Jailhouse Rob

Thanks Brother !
Good Luck !

Arrrghh, this just pyzzes me off- same folks as in January on Ebay again :mad

torches and pitchforks for all note the generous “free shipping” for only $880 opening for a pair of tix, after their pair in January sold to “murjim” for $695

glad they can’t make it

So I sent him a nice little note…goes something like this :

Dear whitewall303,

So if those tickets cost you $265. each that would be $530. How did you come up with $880. starting bid? If you were actually a Telluride festival go-er you would not even consider trying to gouge people for that kind of profit…I, along with plenty other TRUE fans of Planet Bluegrass will not participate.
Have a wonderful day!

  • biggestfanof8
    Telluride Bluegrass Festival Town Park Camping Tickets
    Item Id: 220384530322

:wave Here is my note to Mr Whitehall:

I believe you are probably a good person… Your offering of Telluride Bluegrass tickets is generous. The only thing wrong is the starting bid. I am willing and able to offer you face value plus a 20$ shipping and handling fee for these tickets. I can have someone meet you anywhere in Colorado to make a cash exchange.

The word for what you are offering today is called Scapling and is really bad ju ju.

Peace Friend

Yo! Whitewall303…Richard Caranium… whatever. I’ll pay face value plus $10, that’s $540.00… if you have a problem with addition. Really doubt you even come to this sight, but hope you do. There are alot of regular attentees that are in need of tickets and the Town Park festivarian spirit is the tickets not going to be used are turned over to those in need at face value. Can’t believe you are even trying for that much! Offer Stands! $540.00 and I will come to Denver and pick them up from you personally!
Jailhouse Rob

I just had to give them my 2 cents worth thru ebay … “These tickets are only worth 530.00 (total). What kind of scam are you running? SHAME ON YOU for not selling them to other bona-fide festivarians at face value!!! I hope you get NO takers at this exaggerated price! If you had a SOUL and truly had any appreciation whatsoever for the Telluride Bluegrass experience, you wouldn’t even THINK of trying to rip someone off! You Reap what you Sow … and Karma will certainly catch up with you someday!”

Maybe that will make them think again … tho , something tells me that it wont.

Did I meantion We Love you guys !


look at this and make sure you ask them how much they want for the ticket?

They have already posted that they will not respond to $$$ questions.

I offered face plus $10. for shipping.


Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

I did too !!
:evil :thumbsup :evil

I got this post is flagged for removal

Excellent! That’s exactly what these kind of postings deserve, IMO.

Scalpers seem to have quite a hold on the ticketing world these days, but DON’T GIVE UP. I got my ticket on craigslist and a second one for a friend as well. Both were purchased for face value so where there’s a will, there’s a way. Once the days draw nearer, you should notice these outrageous prices dropping and tickets selling for face.