
Im Bumping this back up for the 2008 Festy

Bump for 2009 !


Just sayin!

Can we request no GIN in the rumballs…makes them kinda yucky in our opinion.

That’s why they are not called Ginballs.

In the words of Captian Jack Sparrow

"Why is the Rum always Gone "
:evil :evil :cheers :evil :evil

There’s been a bit of questioning about this subject lately, so I’m going to bump up this old thread. And I’ve been missing the old chatter that used to be frequent when I first started watching this forum 5-6 years ago. Three months and about 19ish days we’ll be having Rumballs again! Got my Mayor koozie on my beer right now!

Looking forward to tipping a few with you soon. :cheers

My official countdown is set for the opening of the gates on the first day of the festival but Rumballs will as usual be the day before.

You can find my countdown near the bottom of the page on my website at


Wow look what I started 13 years ago. What a hoot to lead all of this! Miss some of the contributors that we don’t see any more. It was AJ and I that coaxed the mayor into over indulging in Rum Balls! He sure had fun, and we did too! :pirate

Looks like we need to find a new rumball band for this year. The Potluck String Band is taking the year off to become the official late night campground jam band at the Blue Ox festival here in Wisconsin. I did get to catch a couple of songs by them Friday night after the Horseshoes and Hand Grenades and Yonder Mountain show at First Avenue. Always good to hang out with Jimbo and Swander in the Twin Cities. :band