Restaurants in the Telluride

You asked for it here it is !

A must for all Festivarain’s!!!

Baked in Telluride

Mmmmmmmmm…my mouth is watering already!!! :drool

The burrito guy across the street from the Sheridan is an absolute must every year. Some of the best homemade salsa I’ve ever had. And they are much cheaper than they should be.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… heartburn… mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I love Brown Dog. I got a mild case of heat stroke last summer and went into Brown Dog Pizza, the waitress was amazing and brought me about 3 pitchers of ice cold water. I didn’t eat anything (my brothers did) and I still left her a tip for being amazing. Then I saw her the next day in town and she asked how I was doing. That’s good service.

thats awesome they took care of yer heat stroke. sounds like some good people
i cant wait to try all these…
so theres brown dog and baked in telluride, what other restaraunts are around there…
does fly me to the moon serve food…
i love local flavor, and its hard to beat some good homeade salsa…
mmmmmmm… telluride restaraunts… mmmmmmm…

You might want to check the Telluride Diners Guide.

Or the Telluride Restaurant and Bar Directory. :cheers

I’ve been thinking that Baked in Telluride has gotten progressively weaker as the years pass. They even stopped making the Thai Chicken Pizza that was their signature.

Brown Bag Sandwich shop is where it’s at!!! Best damn sammiches to hit yo grill in a minute.

The hot dog dude outside the Sheridan is good, and super polite. He wouldn’t sell me a hot dog last year without first introducing himself and then asking me what my name was. At first I thought it was strange, but then I just thought “this is yet another reason I LOVE Telluride!”

I was so disappointed with that last year… I voiced my opinion about it to the staff every time I went in there.

I highly recommend The Cornerhouse Grille! It’s on the same side street as Baked in Telluride but 1 block over on the uphill side of Main St. The owner is Clay and they have awesome sandwiches as well as primo Tater Tots!!! It’s a cool place. Don’t mention my name and they won’t charge you double.

my handle is Capt. Telluride and I approve of this post.

So now I know I can have my coffee and bagel delivered to my tent.

The US is a wonderful country. :wave :wave

Hell yea, Shots and tots!! I really dug this place, really nice folks, they always had the festival rockin’ the radio, downright inexpensive food and drink specials, and just about the most well behaved dog i have ever seen hangin’ out outside. Long live the cornerhouse!

The restaurant at the Sheridan Hotel. Expensive, but the best damn buffalo reb-I (sp?) I’ve ever eaten… worth the $$$.

Kaptain Karlos

What, No mention of Smugglers Inn yet? :huh They have excellent ribs, and a vanilla cheesecake that is to die for (although, they were out of it last year :mad. )

Poachers Pub up in Mtn Village has some damn tasty fish n chips for your friday fare.

Any good curry houses ? :evil :evil

Mark 2010,

I believe that “Siam” is supposed to be good Thai. The staff at Camel’s Garden Hotel where we stay recommended it to us a couple of years ago. We walked down there for lunch one day during the festival only to find that was the only day of the week that they were closed for lunch. I hope I am remembering the restaurant’s name correctly. And since we did not get to eat there, I have no first hand experience. I remember it was several blocks west of downtown and the Camel’s Garden.


:wave One of the most romantic dinners I could ever imagine happened at a little Italian restaurant in Telluride on the day after TBF. We were crispy critters and the festivarians had mostly left town, I had a campsite, still, in Town Park. My newly minted festivarian babe and I walked downtown for a wonderfully sensuous dinner. We then strolled slowly back to camp under the moonlight and retired to our respective tents. She flew out the next day to her husband and east coast, I got in the truck and drove home, basking in the glow of a wonderful festival well spent.

Bring your credit card, it’s not inexpensive.
Rustico Restuarante
