Random Acts of Kindness

We love you Connie and we feel your pain too.
Tim says “just put one foot in front of the other, stepping into the here and now”. What is is and with hope is all that it will be.
Holiday wishes for a better week! :slight_smile:
Hugs and kisses.

“What is is, and with Hope is all that will be.”

O.K., just a small edit, but I like it! :lol :thumbsup

Auntie Hope :pickin

Hops in the circle concentrating on Karmatic Justice

My Random act of kindness lately has been to push people out of their parking spots.
The roads in Fort Collins are crowned quite severely, and you park almost perpendicular to the flow of traffic, so I’ve been riding my bike past a lot of cars that are stuck, hopping off, pushing them out, and waving, or saying have a good day.
It kinda freaks people out. Which I like…

Anyway, I hope things work out Connie. Don’t let it get to you too much.

*Puts out the good :vibes *

I propose we do this at every Planet Bluegrass festival this year:

At 1:00 PM go to the beer booth to get a beer.
Turn to the person behind you and say “I’ll buy you a beer if you do it for a random person behind you, and make them the same offer”.
Let’s see how long we can keep this going. :flower

I love it Tom!! I’ll play. We’re likely to cause a run around 1ish but I think it’s a marvelous idea. We need a willing KOTO observer to give us the skinny on how long it lasts!
