Random Acts of Kindness

There’s a Flamingo on it!

Hung by the fireplace with care of course!!!

so I guess a Stocking hung on a tower heater doesnt cut it …

Then you’re ready for the visit from the main man!


Why, OF COURSE there’s a FLAMINGO on that Christmas Tree! It’s in the home of the GREATEST FLAMINGO SLAYER of all time.


Oh Yeah!!! I think Santa will be good to you this year!!!

HMMM? I wonder what kind of presents Santa will leave under this tree??? :drunk :drive


Ummmmm Beeeer! :cheers

Yes Virginia there IS a Santa Claus !!!

And some ibuprofen… :coffee

I kept the dogs in the house this morning so the buck and doe in the yard could forage in peace. Peace brothers and sisters! :flower

Banana’s in a shinning flower tree. Cool one Miki!

Now, what day did that fall on in that 12 days of Christmas song? :lol

Auntie Hope :pickin


Somebody needs to tell the person that stole my mail today (all my monthly bills AND a couple HS refund checks involving 2 accounts …oh yea! ) that that action is just NOT in the Holiday spirit.

I am soooooooo angry right now…EVERYBODY (except, of course ALL Festivarians!) looks like a Flamingo.

I gotta go to the bank now and close my accounts… (where’s that big cry baby not-so-smiley?)


sorry Connie! hope it works out . . .

:flower Thanks a bunch for the tears-a-flowing smiley Tom!!!

Thanks Sara for the support.

Santa should deliver that person a deserving gift, like maybe a real job!

Or a prison cell for a federal offense. :frowning:
It would be much better for his karma to just return the items. :flower

Connie I cant even say any thing but
hope all turns out ok …what i really want to
is not apporate for this forum …lol


Connie, we hope that all goes well with your mail loss and that the rat that took you mail was not able to do any futher harm.
Our receptionist had pacakges taken from her home and the police told her that this what you can expect at this time of year, He told her that there are people that drive around and follow the UPS, FedX and DHL trucks taking packages after they are delivered!
The world needs more festivals!
Yes for festivals! Yes for good people!
Yes for fun holidays and good people!
Happy holidays to all of you.
I love the smiley trees and the glass bottle tree is awesome, but I KNOW that I would break it before Christmas came :wink:

-Take care

:wave :flower Thank You ALL sooooooo much for your support! Just to make matters a bit worse, I had the realization that I had mailed a couple of payments for Aj out of his checking account so poor Aj has to go to the bank today to cancel his brand-new account.

I am just floored by what has happened. This person got absolutely nothing from my mailbox but lots of personal information which the person probably does not intend to use (one can still have hope can’t I?) , probably just looking for that Christmas card with cash or money orders (which I hear you can cash at certain places regardless of who it is written to).
Just caused me lots of grief/stress and loss of my own private time.
If the person needed some quick money they could have offered to clean up my front yard for cash! Oh…but that is expecting this person to want to earn honest money! What was I thinking???

Now is the time to believe that Karma will come in to play…I keep thinking maybe I should change my name to Karma!

Luckily my brand new Kitchenaid Artisan got delivered safely to my home yesterday evening and it got promptly put to use to make a double batch of Toll House cookies! Yum!!! We’re getting fat in our house for Christmas!

Anyhow…ramble ramble… Thank You again for all the support and positive vibes!!! If only all of you knew how HUGE that is to me!!!

Love You ALL!!!
Peace, Love & Festival
Connie & Aj too!!!