Pre-festival/Festival Activities 2008

Tom, I think we/you can put the Goddess Walk About on Sunday around 3, started at Camp Get Enough.

Also, Did you get my earlier message that Carissa isn’t coming this year, sad as that is, she said she’s coming to Rocky Grass.


I thought you said it was an all day thing getting ready. :huh
That’s OK, I’ll put it on the list for 3:00… :thumbsup
How about I add a second one on Wednesday at 2:00 so some of the late comers can enjoy the fun.
Since last year was the first, maybe you can determine which day is more successful and continue it as a tradition. :flower

how about if they just take lots of pictures on Sunday?

I guess once I again I can’t be a goddess… but I used to be one…

Chopped Liver :wink:

I’ll take on Sunday, we’ll be decorating stuff earlier with the walk about around 3. If someone else wants to host/commit to the other that’s fine.

Oh my dear LuAnna, you are now and forever shall be GODDESS!!! I know you’ve got that tongue tucked firmly inside your cheek but still…I’m just sayin’…



Hello my fellow festivarians :hug

I am so sorry I’ve been soooo bad about keeping up with this new forum. Please don’t hate me because I’m forum-challenged. :flower

I cordially invite you all to my semi-annual (how do you say something happens every 5 years?) mimosa birthday celebration Thursday, June 19, around 10am (just after tarp run), by the waterfall in TP.

As usual, I’ll be celebrating my birthday with Telluride, and just like the fest, I’ll be turning 35, but only every 5 years does it fall on opening day.

So after you enjoy Jerry’s amazing waffles, grab a bottle of champagne and your favorite mimosa glass/cup (we’ll have lots-o-OJ), and head down the path to the waterfall to help us make a great big toast to the day! :cheers (we need a mimosa-toasting smiley)

Can’t wait to festivate with you all very soon!


In the spirit of using and reusing etc… Does anyone have a few plastic pitchers that they can bring and we can use for serving Bloody Mary’s… I was putting these items on my shoppping list tonite when I stopped myself and thought to ask first.

We have some, do you want just regular Kool-aid type pitchers or more of a cooler type pitcher? I know where the kool-aid ones are, but could probably find time to dig through the garage to find the other one :huh
Let me know.
On that same note always a good idea to bring your own re-usable cup, that way we don’t waste garbage space on disposable crap. Ooops sorry Courtness I said Crap. :lol

Kool-aid type ones will work best, I think… THANKS

I’m bringing a pitcher you can borrow too.

Ok, I figured it out- it’s my “pentannual birthday waterfall mimosa celebration”

Can’t wait to catch up with you guys then!

:hug :kiss


When I first read that (fast) - I thought you said pre-natal birthday. I was thinking what will they think of next?

This from a woman who just celebrated her quadrennial birthday :flower.

Ohhhhh Courtney, grow up :lol, your teenage years are just around the corner. :eek


:lol :lol :lol :lol Do I have to? :lol :lol :lol :lol

Thanks for the list .
While I realize that Telluride is time out of time you have the dates wrong. You have listed Thursday as the 19th and the 20th moving the whole weekend up a number. Sunday is the 22nd not 23rd.


Oh James you :evil :evil boy. Tom only did that to create a diversion for your devilish self.

Now where did I put the plastic wrap, balloons, and stuffed animals?

:evil I found a case of ready whip we can use if we need it.

I should just learn to lurk quietly around this time of year and not let my name surface - it seems to evoke such evil in all of you. And like the song says “We found out who’s really evil here and man, its not me. On the day of the Great Telluride Balloon Massacre”

Use whatever calendar makes you happy, I will live with it.

Wow, I missed the first one, but it sounds like the plans are in the works for the second (annual?) telluride balloon massacre. Sounds like a good thing do do after rumballs, someone should pencil it in!