Pre-festival/Festival Activities 2008

I decided to do this a little different this year. Rather than post the schedule here, and keep making changes to the original post I’m saving the file as a link.
That way I only have one place to keep it up to date.

Check out the Pre Fest 2008 in simple text.

Let me know if you have any additions, changes, or deletions I should make through a personal message. :thumbsup

PS… I’ll post when the final edition is done so you can print it out.

Sure wish we could get to t-ride sooner, you experts look like you have this party down pat!!!


Tom… looks great!
i will definitely give you a :wave when i see you and we’ll :cheers to the 35th! tho my third.
Too bad a few friends of mine home brew and are stuck in Illium!

If they’re there by Tuesday they can still join us in Town Park with their home brew. :cheers
Town Park is open to visitors until the festival starts. :thumbsup

That’s right, thanks for the reminder. i’ll give them a heads up and hopefully they’ll have some ready by then.

There has been some discussion of a pre-fest bicycle parade, which could be quite amazing for sometime wed. afternoon. Family friendly of coarse, utilizing Telluride’s safe bicycle paths. Maybe a ride from town park towards Lawson Hill camping and back on the path with 100+ festivarians of all ages. Slow and easy too. I have noticed tons and tons of bikes in the past, and this could be a great way to mingle and show love for some green power…the Bike!!! What do you all think???

[There has been some discussion of a pre-fest bicycle parade, which could be quite amazing for sometime wed. afternoon. Family friendly of coarse, utilizing Telluride’s safe bicycle paths. Maybe a ride from town park towards Lawson Hill camping and back on the path with 100+ festivarians of all ages. Slow and easy too. I have noticed tons and tons of bikes in the past, and this could be a great way to mingle and show love for some green power…the Bike!!! What do you all think???

Really sounds fun BUT it may be dangerous for some to add this event between Bloody Mary’s and Rumballs…LOL

Homebrew question:

I’ve never made beer, but a friend here in Iowa gave me 6 bottles of his brew, all different, to bring as samples for Tuesday. My question is this: I know some campgrounds frown on bringing glass into the campground. Is it OK to bring bottled beer into TP?

This weekend I’ll be visiting my friend to spend the day learning how to brew beer, and I may brew a batch of my own. My friend says that I’ll have just enough time for the beer to age properly, as long as I choose the right kind of beer. If glass is OK in TP then I’ll plan to make a batch and bring as many bottles as I can carry! :drunk

Less than a month till I leave for Colorado!!! :woohoo :rock

Glass is fine in Town Park !

As to brewing:
Most home brewers bring their brew in kegs and set them up in the campsites. You will find an abundance of brew and tons of great homwbrew knowledge in many of the camps. All of the major town park homebrewers willl be at the homebrew tasting, conveniently located across frm the main bathrooms at Noon on Tuesday.

Can I go yet? I’m thirsty.


I remember seeing Jeb from Flamingo have a near-disasterous run-in with a big rock with Josh riding “beotch” on an old bike last year after the Homebrew Tasting.

I have to agree with Debbie on this one as far as the potential consequences of scheduling this between bloodies and rumballs! It is ripe with comedic potential though… Is American Funniest Videos still on the air anywhere?

xo R

Thanks for the help Hippie! Looking at brewing kits, I find a big difference (cost) when I include a keg system. Since this is my first time (woo HOO!) I’ll probably use growlers. If I find that I really enjoy brewing, then I’ll spend more money. I can’t make any promises about the quality of my first brew, but I know the bottles my friend supplied will be good, so look me up Tuesday and sample one (… or three, or five, or…)!!! :cheers

That’s quite alright, Dan, we’ll drink it anyway. These are professionals you’re dealing with here! :cheers

Ah… Bevin? Shouldn’t you be preparing my campsite right about now? :evil

xo R

Excellent! Always good to work with professionals… :wink: Anyway, I got my brew kit, ingredients, and I start brewing in just a few hours - Wish me luck, and I hope to see you all in just a few weeks! :wave

:wave Hi Tom, do you think we might get some of the really good dancers to have a dance lesson party? Maybe on Sunday? Or any day for that matter. I for one would love to know some good moves for swing dancin’. :woohoo :woohoo

We gotta get up offa our feet and boogie to the beat!

Any volunteers? :flower

Volunteers with a BIG tip jar! :dancing :dancing I knew there was a dancing couple somwhere! I just couldn’t find it before. :lol duh

If worse comes to worse, just ask one of the good twirlers to dance. I’ve done that and had a great time and learned a thing or two. The best dancer guys are usually kind and gracious, even though they might not ask you/me to dance again, we’ve had a good time trying. I wonder if that’s sort of how the newbie in the picking circle is considered. or maybe not. Philosophy of the dancer and musician. Rambling. The point is - ask and you might receive.

Give it a twirl :lol See festi-motivator. (Hi Cindy) :flower

:wave Are you going to post a schedual so I can find you guys a time er two? :cheers

Time to put this back on page one. :cheers