Pre-fest 2010 questions

What a GREAT IDEA, Michelle!
Happy New Year!

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

So, would that start at maybe 11:00 or 11:30 PM Sunday night?

Here is some more info about the New Year’s Eve party from the organizer, Evan (AKA “Naked Bacon Maker”)…

Telluride Bluegrass Festival is upon us. We are bringing another great crew down from Portland, forever-more known as Camp Cascadia. Look for the huge geodesic dome in the clearing next to TikiBar! And bring something sassy to wear for our first annual New Years Eve party on Sunday night. Get your dancing shoes on and be there in time for the champagne toast at midnight!

Sweet!! Having a naked bacon maker in your camp beats our current plan to merely have a thong-wearing tassel-twirling bacon maker.

What can be more perfect than a New year’s Eve party followed by Bloody Mary Morning?

And after the Goddess Walk-About too!

:lol :lol :lol

Hey, Goddess of Hot Muffins!!

I am happy to announce that I am the proud new owner of a HOT RASPBERRY PINK Adult trike that I will be bringing to T-ride this year… for the GODDESS JUICE, which I will be glad to mix up again… donations of flavored vodkas and RUM will be accepted… Now all we need to do is find an Adult to pedal it!!

Shall we keep it that the Goddess Walkabout Virgins will be required to pedal the sacred Goddess Juice around?

WARNING!! Please remember that Males that drink of the Goddess Juice unbestowed will invaribly have their genitals fall off! This applies to Small Members and any other size.

The Goddess of Mixology, Libations and Other Redundancies

Hi! I’m new to the forum, but have been attending the TBF for 7 years. Forgive me if this has been covered, but is there a craft for the Goddess Walkabout this year? Camp Evergreen would like to represent! :slight_smile:

Lots of goddesses in Camp Evergreen. Town Park better watch out!

Newbie here - and hoping it’s not too late for questions since it seems many of our fearless leaders seem to have already hit the ground up there!

Have taken a look at Tom’s Pre-Fest schedule of events and wondering if these are open to any and all willing to contribute potluck, or bacon, or… Heen? Seems like a great way to become indoctrinated and we are so looking forward to meeting everyone and Festivating properly. :cheers

Four of us all together, 2 arriving the 15th and 3 the 16th. Almost there!

not too late at all, the pre-fest activities are open to all and it’s encouraged to participate. it looks like you’ll fit right in . see you soon. :drunk

Four of us all together, 2 arriving the 15th and 3 the 16th. Almost there!
Thanks Rick! And say… how 'bout that math of mine? Indeed, there will be 2 on the 15th and 2 more (ONLY 2!) on the 16th - for a grand total of 4

Thanks Rick! And say… how 'bout that math of mine? Indeed, there will be 2 on the 15th and 2 more (ONLY 2!) on the 16th - for a grand total of 4
Ha! I was counting 9 in all and was prepared to suggest you bring the ice! :lol

You must do as much pre-fest visiting in TP as possible! We did last year and I must say these folks will make your expierence GREAT! :cheers :dancing :welcome :hop :drunk :oconnor :pickin :festivarian2 :hug :peace